Mayfair Times – September 2019

(ff) #1



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Ahead of the Monaco Yacht Show next month, the Summit
is an event aimed at those new to the world of superyachts
Words Charlotte Pasha



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he Monaco Yacht Summit has been a
calendar highlight since it started in

  1. The Summit, a lesser-known
    element of the Monaco Yacht Show,
    is designed specifically for a new
    generation of superyacht customers, to help
    educate and inspire a younger audience.
    The Summit is fun, relaxed and informative,
    dispelling myths about yacht ownership while
    providing a forum for meeting and mingling.
    Attended by an elite group of pre-qualified
    individuals, representatives, family offices
    and private investors, you can expect panel
    discussions and experts from across the
    superyacht industry all in one room, answering
    any and all questions that may arise. It’s a place
    to meet experts and professionals from across the
    industry, in a relaxed environment.
    This year, the Monaco Yacht Summit is due to
    take place on September 24 – the night before the
    Yacht Show itself – at the Yacht Club de Monaco.
    The world of superyachts can be a confusing
    one, with wrong information circulated regularly.

So, last year, the summit saw a discussion on
“myth-busting”, dispelling myths such as building
a yacht costs $1 million a metre and that yachts
cost 10 per cent of their value to operate. In
addition, attendees received information about
superyacht brokers, running costs and charter
At this year’s Yacht Summit, the route to
ownership will be discussed, looking in detail
at the topic of building a superyacht. It will also
cover issues such as the ownership life-cycle of
a superyacht and chartering. The Summit will
explore the early stages of a case study, “from
design to delivery”, focusing on a recent delivery
exhibited in the show, to highlight the entire
design and construction process, from inspiration
to completion.
“The new generation of end-user clients
entering superyachting need to be well-prepared
and informed about the aspects of chartering or
purchasing a yacht before experiencing her,” says
Johan Pizzardini, communications and media
manager at the show.
“As they attend the Monaco Yacht Show by
themselves or with their representatives to look
to their future luxury vessels, we decided to
create the Monaco Yacht Summit on the eve of
the show with the perspective of helping them in
their research from the day after on the docks.
The convivial and intimate format of the summit
enables the delegates to ask any question they’ve
never dared ask to our panel of superyacht
experts. This September will be the fourth edition
and, since then, the feedback received has been
really positive, positioning the event as a useful
support for prospective superyacht clients.”

For more information, email:
[email protected]
or see:

MT Aug19 72-73 Bus yachts.indd 73 30/07/2019 11:49

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