Forestry Journal – August 2019

(vip2019) #1








FORESTRY is among the most
dangerous sectors to work in,
according to the latest annual figures
for work-related fatal injuries from the
Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
Agriculture, forestry and fishing, and
waste and recycling, are the worst-
affected sectors, with a rate of fatal
injury some 18 times and 17 times as
high respectively as the average across
all industries (annual average rates for
2014/15–2018/19), while the sectors
of agriculture, forestry and fishing, and
of construction continue to account
for the largest share of fatal injuries to
workers (32 and 30 deaths respectively
in 2018/19).
The provisional annual data for work-
related fatal injuries revealed that 147
workers were fatally injured between
April 2018 and March 2019 (a rate of
0.45 per 100,000 workers).
There has been a long-term reduction
in the number of fatalities since 1981.
Although 2018/19 saw an increase of 6
workplace fatalities from 2017/18, the
number has remained broadly level in
recent years.
HSE chair, Martin Temple,
commented: “Workplace fatality
statistics are a reminder that despite
the UK’s world-leading position in
health and safety, we cannot become
complacent as we seek to fulfil our
mission in preventing injury, ill health
and death at work.
“These statistics also remind us that,
in certain sectors of the economy,
workplace deaths remain worryingly
high. Agriculture, forestry and fishing
accounts for a small fraction of
the workforce of Great Britain, yet
accounted for over 20 per cent of
worker fatalities in the last year. This is
unacceptable and more must be done
to prevent such fatalities taking place.
“Whatever the sector, we should
remember that any change in numbers
provides little comfort to the family,
friends and colleagues of the 147
whose lives were cut short this year
while doing their job.”
The three most common causes of
fatal injuries continue to be: workers
falling from height (40), being struck by
a moving vehicle (30) and being struck
by a moving object (16).

BSW Timber Group has acquired Maelor
Forest Nurseries Holdings Ltd in a deal
described as securing the future for the
delivery of home-grown British trees to the
UK forest industry.
In addition, the acquisition will enable
Maelor Forest Nurseries Holdings to
progress with its expansion plans,
including scientific research work. The
foundations for this work have been
supported over many years by the close
working relationship with Tilhill Forestry,
also part of the BSW Group.
Maelor Forest Nurseries is located in
Wrexham and produces an extensive range
of commercial forestry and native broadleaf
species, marketing almost 30 million trees
a year to customers throughout the UK and
Europe. The company plans to expand
into Scotland in the near future and is also
heavily involved in the scientific research
associated with the production of improved
tree stock with enhanced genetics.
According to BSW, the acquisition will
immediately benefit the quality tree supply
to the whole of the forest industry by
means of Maelor’s forthcoming expansion
into Morayshire, the result of which will
provide the facilities to bring an additional
5 to 10 million plants into the supply chain

Tony Hackney, BSW Timber Group
chief executive, said: “This is a significant
acquisition for both the BSW Group and
the forest industry as a whole. Maelor’s
strength lies in bringing quality home-
grown trees to the market and in providing
a platform for the research involved in
ensuring a sustainable supply of better-
quality trees for the future. This acquisition
is a key component of BSW’s vision for the
future of forestry and its strategy of vertical
integration providing high-quality resultant
timber products. We are really looking
forward to working with Mike and his team
and exploring areas for potential growth.”
Mike Harvey, managing director of
Maelor Forest Nurseries, said: “I am
delighted that the future of Maelor Forest
Nurseries Holdings Ltd has been secured.
This is an extremely exciting step in the
history of the company and one that is
going to bring a multitude of benefits to not
only our existing customers but forestry
as a whole. In particular, we can now
press ahead with our expansion plans and
increase production. The forest industry
can consider that, as of today, the future of
commercial trees as its key commodity is
now significantly healthier.”

BSW Timber Group

acquires Maelor Forest


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