Forestry Journal – August 2019

(vip2019) #1



Static and mobile

sawmill solutions

Mobile sawmills have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering a
practical solution to processing large pieces of timber on site. This allows timber

to be turned into a usable form without the need for equipment or haulage
facilities to transport it to the sawmill and back. However, there will always be
a need for the static mill, and with that in mind Forestry Journal brings you the

best of both, with some of the latest offerings in static and mobile sawmills.

FROM purpose-built 24-hour facilities in
Yorkshire, Dakin-Flathers has combined
its 125 years of saw manufacturing
experience and developed a premium
sawmill blade said to last 37 per cent
longer than the competition.
Ripper37 is crafted from high-quality,
carbon-rich western European steel,
developed with unique metallurgical
properties to deliver the optimum balance
between strength and flexibility.
An extensive digitally controlled quality
assurance programme, which involves
photographic tooth profile checks, set
analysis, straightness testing, hardness
testing and microstructural analysis,
results in a blade that cuts straighter, with
harder, longer-lasting teeth, producing
one of the most superior blades on the
Ripper37 is described by Dakin-
Flathers as offering 37 per cent greater

durability than its leading rivals; up to
100% more re-grinds; unparalleled ‘out-of-
the-box’ performance; minimal waste and
maximum cutting power; improved quality
of finish on the sawn timber; and reduced
production costs and more profit for you
and your company.
Thanks to its focus on quality and
performance, Dakin–Flathers has grown
from being the leading supplier in the
UK to one of the leading suppliers in the
world, exporting to over 100 countries,
with an unrivalled worldwide reputation for
quality and performance.
Dakin-Flathers has partnered with
Stephen Cull BladeMaster to distribute its
full range of sawmill blades in the UK. For
many years, Stephen represented a well-
known sawmill manufacturer throughout
Wales and the west of England, gaining
extensive technical experience of all their
equipment, and is well respected within

the industry.
Stephen said: “I’m proud to be able to
offer this top-quality British-made sawmill
blade to those in the trade who, like me,
are striving for productivity, profit and
perfection in our sawmilling.”
As well as distributing Ripper37 blades,
Stephen Cull also offers a full blade
resharpen service, sawmill servicing and
technical advice borne out of over two
decades’ experience.
Remember, the heart of any sawmill
is the blade itself. Your sawmill will only
ever be as good as the blade used on it,
so choosing the correct one is critical to
maximise your cutting performance and

To discover the full benefits of Ripper37,
and to order sawmill blades online, visit for
more information or call 0 7887544333

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