jenkins the definitive guide

(Jeff_L) #1

The Git polling is distilled into a more developer-useful format that shows commit comments as well
as hyperlinking usernames and changed files to more detailed views of each.

Figure 5.17. Results of Git polling

Installing the Gerrit Build Trigger adds a Gerrit event option that can be more efficient and precise than
simply polling the repository. Gerrit Trigger

Gerrit^6 is an open source web application that facilitates code reviews^7 for project source hosted on a
Git version control system. It reads a traditional Git repository, and provides a side-by-side comparison
of changes. As the code is reviewed, Gerrit provides a location to comment and move the patch to an
open, merged, or abandoned status.

The Gerrit Trigger^8 is a Jenkins plugin that can trigger a Jenkins build of the code when any user-
specified activity happens in a user-specified project in the Git repository (see Figure 5.18, “Gerrit
Trigger”). It is a alternative to the more typically-used Build periodically or Poll SCM.

Figure 5.18. Gerrit Trigger


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