jenkins the definitive guide

(Jeff_L) #1

Figure 5.35. Archiving source code and a binary package

Of course, this example is a tad academic: it would probably be simpler just to use the revision number
for this build (which is displayed on the build result page) to retrieve the source code from your version
control system. But you get the idea.

Note that if you are using an Enterprise Repository Manager such as Nexus or Artifactory to store
your binary artifacts, you may not need to keep them on the Jenkins server. You may prefer simply to
automatically deploy your artifacts to your Enterprise Repository Manager as part of the build job, and
retrieve them from here when required.

5.7.3. Notifications

The point of a CI server is to let people know when a build breaks. In Jenkins, this comes under the
heading of Notification.

Out of the box, Jenkins provides support for email notification. You can activate this by ticking the
“E-mail Notification” checkbox in the Post-build Actions (see Figure 5.36, “Email notification”). Then
enter the email addresses of the team members who will need to know when the build breaks. When
the build does break, Jenkins will send a friendly email message to the users in this list containing a
link to the broken build.

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