jenkins the definitive guide

(Jeff_L) #1

Figure 5.50. Configuring a Grails build step

The Grails build step takes many optional parameters. For example, Grails is finicky about versions—
if your project was created by an older version, Grails will ask you to upgrade it. To be on the safe side,
for example, you may want to tick the Force Upgrade checkbox, which makes sure that runs a grails
upgrade --non-interactive before it runs the main targets.

You can also specify the server port (useful if you are executing web tests), and any other properties
you want to pass to the build.

5.10.2. Building Projects with Gradle

Contributed by Rene Groeschke

In comparison to the build tool veterans Ant and Maven, Gradle^13 is a relatively new open source build
tool for the Java Virtual Machine. Build scripts for Gradle are written in a Domain Specific Language
(DSL) based on Groovy. Gradle implements convention over configuration, allows direct access to Ant
tasks, and uses Maven-like declarative dependency management. The concise nature of Groovy scripting
lets you write very expressive build scripts with very little code, albeit at the cost of loosing the IDE
support that exists for established tools like Ant and Maven.

There are two different ways to run your Gradle builds with Jenkins. You can either use the Gradle
plugin for Jenkins or the Gradle wrapper functionality.


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