Figure 7.13. Using Atlassian Crowd as the Jenkins Security Realm
With this plugin installed and configured, you can use users and groups from Crowd for any of the
Jenkins Authorization strategies we discussed earlier on in the chapter. For example, in Figure 7.14,
“Using Atlassian Crowd groups in Jenkins”, we are using user groups defined in Crowd to set up Matrix-
based security in the main configuration screen.
Figure 7.14. Using Atlassian Crowd groups in Jenkins
7.4.7. Integrating with Other Systems
In addition to the authentication strategies discussed here, there are a number of other plugins that
allow Jenkins to authenticate against other systems. At the time of writing, these include Central
Authentication Service (CAS)—an open source single sign-on tool—and the Collabnet Source Forge
Enterprise Edition (SFEE) server.
If no plugin is available, you can also write your own custom authentication script. To do this, you need to
install the Script Security Realm plugin. Once you have installed the script and restarted Jenkins, you can
write two scripts in your favorite scripting language. One script authenticates users, whereas the other
determines the groups of a given user (see Figure 7.15, “Using custom scripts to handle authentication”).