jenkins the definitive guide

(Jeff_L) #1

Figure 7.15. Using custom scripts to handle authentication

Before invoking the authentication script, Jenkins sets two environment variables: U, containing the
username, and P, containing the password. This script uses these environment variables to authenticate
using the specified username and password, returning 0 if the authentication is successful, and some
other value otherwise. If authentication fails, the output from the process will be reported in the error
message displayed to the user. Here is a simple Groovy authentication script:

def env = System.getenv()
def username = env['U']
def password = env['P']

println "Authenticating user $username"

if (authenticate(username, password)) {
System.exit 0
} else {
System.exit 1

def authenticate(def username, def password) {
def userIsAuthenticated = true
// Authentication logic goes here
return userIsAuthenticated

This script is enough if all you have to deal with is basic authentication without groups. If you want to
use groups from your custom authentication source in your Matrix-based or Project-based authorizations

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