jenkins the definitive guide

(Jeff_L) #1

Figure 8.6. RSS Feeds in Jenkins

The URLs for RSS feeds are simple, and work for any Jenkins page displaying a set of build results. You
just need to append /rssAll to get an RSS feed of all of the build results on a page, or /rssFailed
to only get the failing builds. And /rssLatest will provide you with a feed containing only the latest
build results. But the simplest way to obtain the URL is just to click on the RSS icon in the corresponding
Jenkins screen.

There are an abundance of RSS readers out there, both commercial and open source, available for
virtually every platform and device, so this can be a great choice to keep tabs on build results. Many
common browsers (Firefox in particular) and email clients also support RSS feeds. Some readers have
trouble with authentication, however, so if your Jenkins instance is secured, you may need to do a little
extra configuration to see your build results.

RSS feeds can be a great information source on overall build results, and let you see the state of your
builds at a glance without having to connect to the server. Nevertheless, most RSS Readers are by nature
passive devices—you can consult the state of your builds, but the RSS reader will usually not be able
to prompt you if a new build failure occurs.

8.6. Build Radiators

The concept of information radiators is commonly used in Agile circles. According to Agile guru Alistair

An Information radiator is a display posted in a place where people can see it as they
work or walk by. It shows readers information they care about without having to ask
anyone a question. This means more communication with fewer interruptions.

In the context of a CI server, an information radiator is a prominent device or display that allows team
members and others to easily see if any builds are currently broken. It typically shows either a summary
of all the current build results, or just the failing ones, and is displayed on a large, prominently located
wall-mounted flat screen. This sort of specialized information radiator is often known as a build radiator.

When used well, build radiators are among the most effective of the passive notification strategies. They
are very effective at ensuring that everyone is aware of failing builds. In addition, unlike some of the
Extreme Feedback Devices that we discuss later on in this chapter, a build radiator can cater for many
build jobs, including many failing build jobs, and so can still be effectively used in a multiteam context.

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