jenkins the definitive guide

(Jeff_L) #1

There are several build radiator solutions for Jenkins. One of the easiest to use is the Jenkins Radiator
View plugin. This plugin adds a new type of job that you can create: the (see Figure 8.7, “Creating a
build radiator view”).

Figure 8.7. Creating a build radiator view

Configuring the build radiator view is similar to configuring the more conventional list views—you just
specify the build jobs you want included in the view, either by choosing them individually or by using
a regular expression.

Since the build radiator view takes up the entire screen, modifying or deleting a build radiator is a bit
tricky. In fact, the only way to open the view configuration screen is to append /configure to the view
URL: so if your build radiator is called “build-radiator,” you can edit the view configuration by opening

The build radiator view (see Figure 8.8, “Displaying a build radiator view”) displays a large red or
yellow box for each failing or unstable build, with the build job name in prominent letters, as well as
some other details. You can configure the build radiator view to display passing builds as well as failing
ones (they will be displayed in small green boxes). However a good build radiator should really only
display the failing builds, unless all the builds are passing.

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