useful communication strategy for development teams), you can provide the name of these chat rooms
here too. This way, Jenkins will be able to process instructions posted into the chat rooms as well as
those received as direct messages.
Figure 8.11. Setting up basic Jabber notification in Jenkins
This is all you need for a basic setup. However, you may need to provide some extra details in the
Advanced sector for details that are specific to your installation (see Figure 8.12, “Advanced Jabber
configuration”). Here, you can specify the name and port of your Jabber server, if these cannot be derived
from the Jenkins Jabber ID. You can also provide a default suffix that can be applied to Jenkins user IDs
to generate the corresponding Jabber IDs. Most importantly, if you have secured your Jenkins server,
you will need to provide a proper Jenkins username and password so that the IM bot can respond to
instructions correctly.
Figure 8.12. Advanced Jabber configuration