Once this is configured, you need to set up a Jabber notification strategy for each of your build jobs.
Open the build job configuration page and click on the Jabber Notification option.
First of all, you define a recipient list for the messages. You can send messages to individuals (just
use the corresponding Jabber ID, such as [email protected]) or to chat rooms that you have
set up. For chat rooms, you normally need to add a “” to the start of the chat room ID (e.g.,
“[email protected]”). However, if the chat room ID contains “@conference.”,
Jenkins will work out that it is a chat room and append the “*” automatically. The chat room approach
is more flexible, though you do have to trust developers to be connected permanently to the chat room
for this strategy to be truly effective.
You also need to define a notification strategy. This determines which build results will cause a message
to be sent out. Options include:
Send a notification for every build.
Only send notifications for failed or unstable builds.
failure and fixed
Send notifications for every failed or unstable builds, and the first successful build following a
failed or unstable one.
Send notification whenever the build outcome changes.
If you are using chat rooms, you can also ask Jenkins to send notifications to the chat rooms whenever
a build starts (using the “Notify on build starts” option).
For SCM-triggered builds, Jenkins can also notify additional recipients, using the default suffix
discussed earlier to build the Jabber ID from the SCM username. You can opt to notify:
SCM committers
All users having committed changes for the current build, and therefore suspected of breaking
the build.
SCM culprits
SCM committers of all builds since the last successful one.
SCM fixers
Commiters to the first successful build after a failed or unstable one.
Upstream committers
Also notifiers committers to upstream builds as well as the current one. This works automatically
for Maven build jobs, but needs fingerprinting to be activated for other build types.