jenkins the definitive guide

(Jeff_L) #1

monitoring, 317
build history
in builds directory, 62-64
details regarding, 30-32
disk usage of, 345 -349
number of builds to keep, 83
parameterized, 265
permissions for, 186
results summary for, 27, 30
build jobs, 81, 81
(see also freestyle build jobs; Maven build jobs)
archiving, 355 -356
binary artifacts from (see binary artifacts)
code coverage metrics in (see code coverage
code quality metrics in (see code quality
copying, 82
creating, 21-26, 81-82
delaying start of, 71
dependencies between, 282
distributed across build servers, 305 -305
associating slave nodes to jobs, 315 -317
cloud-based build farm for, 318 -322
creating slave nodes, 306
master/slave architecture for, 305 -315
monitoring slave nodes, 317
starting slave nodes, 306 -315
external, monitoring, 81
claiming, 202
details regarding, 141 -143
example of, 28-32
indicator for, 28, 30
notifications for, 197 , 200
global properties for, 71-72
history of (see build history)
Javadocs generation in, 33-34
joins in, 283 -284
locking resources for, 284 -285
migrating, 356 -359
multiconfiguration, 268 -274
combination filter for, 272

configuration matrix for, 272
creating, 268 -269
custom axis for, 271
JDK axis for, 270
running, 271 -274
slave axis for, 269 -270
naming, 22
parameterized, 257 -265
build scripts for, 259 -260
creating, 257
history of, 265
run against a Git tag, 263 -264
run against a Subversion tag, 262 -263
starting remotely, 264 -265
types of parameters, 258 , 261-262
reports resulting from (see reporting)
run numbers for, as parameters, 261
running in parallel, 282 -285
scheduling (see build triggers)
source code location for, 23
status of, while running, 26
steps in, adding, 25-26, 33, 36
success of, indicator for, 28
tests in (see tests)
triggering manually, 26, 27, 105
types of, 22, 81
unstable build from, 141
criteria for, 115 , 154, 242, 246
indicator for, 37
notifications for, 118 , 197, 200
triggering another build after, 101 , 118
Build Pipeline plugin, 301
build pipelines, 285 -304
aggregating test results for, 300 -301
deployment pipelines from, 301 -304
Maven version numbers for, 286 -288
promotions in, 286 , 292-300
reusing artifacts in, 289 -292
Build Promotion plugin, 330
build radiators, 204 -205
build scripts (see scripts)
build server, 5
installing Jenkins on, 46-47
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