jenkins the definitive guide

(Jeff_L) #1

System Information screen, 69
System Log screen, 69
system message on home page, 71
version control systems, 77-77
Configure System screen, 68, 70-71
contact information for this book, xxix
continuous delivery, 2
continuous deployment, 2, 6, 325-329
to application server, 330 -341
database updates with, 326 -329
deployment script for, 326
rolling back changes in, 329
smoke tests for, 329
Continuous Integration (see CI)
contributors for this book, xxv
conventions used in this book, xxiv
Copy Artifact plugin, 289 , 330, 333
Coverage Complexity Scatter Plot plugin, 248
CPD, 232 -236
CppUnit, 138
CPUs, build server requirements for, 46
cron jobs (see external jobs)
Crowd, Atlassian, as security realm, 180
configuring, 77
delaying build jobs, 71, 84
Jenkins supporting, 20
polling with, 103
CVS_BRANCH environment variable, 110

rolling back changes to, 329
updating with automated deployment, 326 -329
user database, 172 , 173-176
Dependency Graph View plugin, 282
Deploy plugin, 330 , 331-332, 333
Deploy Websphere plugin, 330 , 331
deployment (see automated deployment;
continuous deployment)
deployment pipelines, 301 -304
deployment script, 326
desktop notifiers, 214 -219

disk space
for build directory, 63
monitoring, 345 -349
Disk Usage plugin, 346 -347
distributed builds, 47, 305-305
with cloud-based build farm, 318 -322
master/slave architecture for, 305 -315
slave nodes for
associating with build jobs, 315 -317
creating, 306
installing as Windows service, 313 -314
monitoring, 317
starting as remote service, 315
starting in headless mode, 314
starting using SSH, 306 -310
starting with Java Web Start, 310 -313
DocLinks plugin, 160
documentation (see Javadocs)

code quality metrics with Checkstyle, 229
code quality metrics with PMD, 232
desktop notifiers with, 214
Eclipse plugin, 214
email notifications, 20, 175, 197-202, 202
(see also notifications)
email server, configuring, 78-78
Email-ext plugin, 199 -202
Enterprise Repository Manager, 122 -126
environment variables, 109
(see also specific environment variables)
build parameters as, 259
using in build steps, 109 -111
Eucalyptus cloud, 319
EXECUTOR_NUMBER environment variable,
Extended Read Permission plugin, 189
external jobs, monitoring, 81

File parameters, 262
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