Kawaguchi, Kohsuke (developer of Hudson), 3
LDAP repository, as security realm, 176 -177
LDAP/Active Directory, 4
lightweight backups, 354
Linux, 48
(see also specific Linux platforms)
upgrading Jenkins on, 64
Liquibase, 327 -329
Load Statistics screen, 69
locking resources for build jobs, 284 -285
Locks and Latches plugin, 285
LTS (Long-Term Support) releases, 3
M2Eclipse, 5
mail server, configuring, 78-78
maintenance, 345 -359
archiving build jobs, 355 -356
backups, 64, 351-355
migrating build jobs, 356 -359
monitoring disk space, 345 -349
monitoring server load, 349 -350
Manage Jenkins screen, 17, 67-70
Manage Nodes screen, 69
Manage Plugins screen, 69
master/slave architecture for distributed builds,
305 -315
matrix build jobs (see multiconfiguration build
matrix-based security, 183 -187
Maven, 9
automating tests, 361 -366
build steps in freestyle build jobs, 25, 105-107
Cobertura with, 147 -149
code quality metrics
with Checkstyle, 231
with CodeNarc, 238
with FindBugs, 237
with PMD and CPD, 234
configuring, 18-19, 74-75
environment variables in, 110
Hudson support for, 5
installing, 18 -19, 75
SNAPSHOT dependencies, 105 , 119-120
SNAPSHOT versions, 88
version numbers for, 286 -288
Maven build jobs, 22, 81, 118-127
archiving binary artifacts, disabling, 121
build steps in, 120 , 127
code quality metrics in, with Violations, 243 -
creating, 119
deploying artifacts to Enterprise Repository
Manager, 122 -126
disk usage of, 348 -349
generating automatically, 274 -281
Artifactory plugin with, 280
configuring, 275 -277
inheritance of configuration, 277 -278
Parameterized Trigger plugin with, 279
incremental builds, 121
modules for, managing, 126
Post-build Actions, 121
private repository for, 121
reporting on test results, 139
running modules in parallel, 121
test results of, 141
Maven Jenkins plugin, 275 , 281
Maven Release plugin, 286
MAVEN_OPTS environment variable, 56
McCullough, Matthew (contributor), xxv
memory, requirements for, 46, 56-56
metrics (see reporting)
Microsoft Active Directory, as security realm,
178 -179
migrating build jobs, 356 -359
mobile devices, notifications to, 219
MSBuild plugin, 132
MSTest plugin, 133
multiconfiguration build jobs, 81 , 268-274
combination filter for, 272
configuration matrix for, 272