Deploy, 330 , 331-332, 333
Deploy Websphere, 330 , 331
Disk Usage, 346 -347
DocLinks, 160
Eclipse, 214
Email-ext, 199 -202
Extended Read Permission, 189
FindBugs, 245
Gerrit Trigger, 97
Git, 20-21, 89-89
GitHub, 99
HTML Publisher, 158 -160
installing, 35 -36
Instant Messaging, 206
IRC, 211 , 211
Jabber Notifier, 206
Jenkins M2 Extra Steps, 127
JobConfigHistory, 193 -194
Locks and Latches, 285
managing, 69
Maven Jenkins, 275 , 281
Maven Release, 286
MSBuild, 132
MSTest, 133
Nabaztag, 225
NAnt, 133
Parameterized Build, 257
Parameterized Trigger, 265 , 279, 333
PMD, 245
Promoted Builds, 292
Publish Over, 340
Role Strategy, 189
Script Security Realm, 181 -183
SFEE, 181
Sounds, 222
Speaks, 223
Task Scanners, 249
Thin Backup, 354
Tray Application plugin, 215 -217
upgrading, 65
Violations, 239 -245
xUnit, 140
plugins directory, 60
PMD, 232 -236, 245
PMD plugin, 245
Prepare for Shutdown screen, 69
processors, build server requirements for, 46
project-based security, 187 -189
project-level permissions, in role-based security,
Promoted Builds plugin, 292
promotions, 286 , 292-300
build parameters as, 260
global, 71-72
proxy, configuring, 79-80
Publish Over plugins, 340
quiet period before build starts, 71, 84
radiators, information, 204 -205
regression tests (see functional (regression) tests)
Reload Configuration from Disk screen, 68
remote service, starting slave nodes as, 315
acceptance test results, 158 -160
code coverage metrics, 6, 35-41
from Clover, 157
from Cobertura, 154 -156
code quality metrics, 6
with Checkstyle, 245
with FindBugs, 245
open tasks, 249 -250
with PMD, 245
Violations plugin for, 239 -245
Javadocs API documentation, 33-34
performance test results, 165 -167
test results, 30 -32
aggregating, 300 -301
configuring, 139 -140
displaying, 141 -144
JUnit reports, 25, 113-114
in RSS feeds, 203 -204