jenkins the definitive guide

(Jeff_L) #1

Role Strategy plugin, 189
role-based security, 189 -191
RSS feeds, of build results, 203 -204
Ruby applications, 134 -135, 339-341
Ruby on Rails projects, 134 -135, 326
Run parameters, 261

SCM (Source Code Management), 23, 85-100
(see also version control systems)
Script Console screen, 69
Script Security Realm plugin, 181 -183
scripting-based applications, deploying to
application server, 339 -341
scripts, 107
(see also Ant; Maven)
batch scripts, 77, 107-108
custom authentication scripts, 181
deployment script, 326
Groovy scripts, 111 -112
languages supported, 113
parameterized, 259 -260
shell scripts, 77, 107-108
security, 171 -173
authorization, 171
matrix-based security, 183 -187
no restrictions on, 172 -173
project-based security, 187 -189
role-based security, 189 -191
enabling, 171
security realms, 171
Atlassian Crowd, 180 -181
CAS, 181
customizing, 181 -183
enabling sign-ups, 172
enabling user sign-ups, 174
Jenkins internal user database, 172 , 173-176
LDAP repository, 176 -177
Microsoft Active Directory, 178 -179
Servlet container, 179
SFEE, 181
Unix users and groups, 179
Servlet container

as security realm, 179
running Jenkins stand-alone using, 51
SFEE (Source Forge Enterprise Edition), 181
shell scripts, 77, 107-108
slave machines
for distributed builds, 47, 305-315
for multiconfiguration build jobs, 269 -270
smartphones, notifications to, 217 -219
smoke tests, 329
SMS messages, notifications using, 220 -221
SNAPSHOT dependencies, 105 , 119-120
SNAPSHOT versions, 88
code quality metrics with, 227 , 251-254
frequency of builds, 101
Sonatype tools, 4, 4
Sounds plugin, 222
sounds, in notifications, 222
source code browsers
with Git, 96
with Subversion, 87
Source Code Management (see SCM; version
control systems)
Source Forge Enterprise Edition (see SFEE)
Speaks plugin, 223
sponsors for this book, xxvi
SSH keys, 12, 89
SSH, starting slave node using, 306 -310
stand-alone application
running Jenkins as, 51-54
upgrading Jenkins as, 64
start page (see home page)
String parameters, 258
configuring, 77
excluding commit messages from triggering
builds, 88
excluding regions from triggering builds, 87
excluding users from triggering builds, 88
with freestyle build jobs, 86-88
Jenkins supporting, 20
source code browsers for, 87
tags, building against, 262 -263
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