jenkins the definitive guide

(Jeff_L) #1

SVN_REVISION environment variable, 110
System Information screen, 69
System Log screen, 69


Task Scanners plugin, 249
TDD (Test Driven Development), 137
Test Result Trend graph, 31
Test-Driven development, 6
Test::Unit, 138
TestNG, 138 , 140, 145
acceptance tests, 6, 137, 157-160
automating, 5, 6, 137-138
with Ant, 366 -368
with Maven, 361 -366
in freestyle build jobs, 139
functional (regression) tests, 138 , 138
ignoring, 144 -146
integration tests, 137 , 138
in Maven build jobs, 139
performance of, 143 -144, 168-170
performance tests, 160 -167
reports from, 30-32
aggregating, 300 -301
configuring, 139 -140
displaying, 141 -144
JUnit reports, 25, 113-114
smoke tests, 329
Test-Driven development, 6
unit tests, 137 , 138
web tests, 138 , 138
Thin Backup plugin, 354
Tomcat application server
deploying Java applications to, 330 -339
deploying Jenkins using, 16
Tomcat Servlet container, 179
Tray Application plugin, 215 -217

U environment variable, 182
Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud, 320

unit tests, 137 , 138
Unix, 44
(see also specific Unix platforms)
users and groups, as security realm, 179
unstable builds, 141
criteria for, 115 , 154, 242, 246
indicator for, 37
notifications for, 118 , 197, 200
triggering another build job after, 101 , 118
updates directory, 60
upgrades, 64-65
user database, 172 , 172, 173-176
(see also security, security realms)
userContent directory, 61
for Jenkins internal user database, 173
for matrix-based security, 183
auditing actions of, 191 -194
authorization for (see authorization)
claiming failed builds, 202
excluding from triggering builds, 88, 93
for Jenkins, on build server, 47
users directory, 61

version control systems, 9, 77
(see also CVS; Git; Subversion)
configuring, 23, 77-77
polling for changes to trigger build, 102
remotely triggering builds from, 103 -104
supported by Jenkins, 77-77, 85
version numbers, Maven, 286 -288
Violations plugin, 239 -245
virtual machine, for build server, 46, 168
Visual Studio MSBuild, 132 -133

Wakaleo Consulting (sponsor), xxvi
war directory, 61
WAR file, installing Jenkins from, 16
web tests, 138 , 138
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