VW Bus T4&5+ – July 2019

(lily) #1

wet, yet the sun was blaring down
above us, as if determined not to be
outdone by the chilly water. The
stream literally babbled, gentle and
smooth as it followed its course. A
Ulysses butterfly fluttered above
us, looping and somersaulting,
dancing above the water until
it was out of sight over the edge
of the falls. Babinda truly was a
magical place, despite the rain.
We had yet more falls to see,
and more importantly some very
Australian animals to meet. One
so odd that scientists spent a
long time believing it was a hoax,
and the other said to be the most
dangerous bird in the world.
If you want to know more about Harriet
and Dan’s trip and see some more of their
outstanding images follow
@carpenteringram on Instagram
considering it was still over 25C.
We headed down the long
winding path through thick
rainforest to the Boulders,
stopping to follow a side trail
now and then to make sure we
weren’t missing out on anything.
We jumped the safety fence,
another habit that was getting
a little too frequent, and headed
into the heart of the boulder
field. On either side of us was
lush forest, with smooth grey
stone emerging from beneath
it and continuing towards the
river. The water had carved
away at the stone, presumably
for centuries, creating a winding
maze of pools and falls which
eventually descended over a
steep drop. This was probably
why there was a fence there.
We sat for a long time. The
rock was cold and the air was
I love swimming in the open ocean
A friend stops by to say hi
This Clam is big enough to eat me
We jumped the safety fence,
another habit that was
getting a little too frequent

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