VW Bus T4&5+ – July 2019

(lily) #1
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and we couldn’t resist one more
trip to the ‘Hi Tide’, this time it was
kids singing. We had to admire
their enthusiasm and dedication to
someone who passed away thirty
years or so before they were even
born! We then managed to bump
into Paul and Carol who were
obviously loving their weekend
and talking about a similar event
to be held in Benidorm next year,
now that’s commitment for you.
All Elvis’d out, we headed back to
our camper for a relaxing evening
with our number one icon, ‘Wine
and cheese’. Monday saw a slow
pack up before heading home to
Oxfordshire. As always, we broke
up our journey home, this time with
a visit to Chepstow; what a beautiful
town. If you’ve never been, put it on
your list, you won’t be disappointed.
You don’t need to be an Elvis
fan to appreciate what must be
one of the most extreme festivals
and celebrations out there. Go
and immerse yourself; our cheeks
hurt most of the weekend from
smiling and laughing, as well
as having a new found respect
for the King of Rock and Roll.
Elvis has left the camper...

We proudly lasted until 5pm,
before heading back to the campsite
where the local curry van visits on
a Friday evening, result! Saturday
morning saw us head back into
town to be part of the crowds. We
got a table outside of the Grand
Pavilion Café, starting with coffee
followed by cider, lunch, wine
and afternoon tea, we just didn’t
want to move. All the time we
were serenaded by many Elvis’
on the roof balcony. Huge crowds
gathered and created a great, fun
atmosphere. Despite the numbers
it never felt overcrowded and
had a real electric and eclectic
atmosphere where anything goes
as long, as it is Elvis related, a
real eye opener. The Pavilion
also had big Elvis shows and
competitions over the weekend
inside. But all our entertainment
was free, so we didn’t feel the
need to see the official shows,
but heard good reports.
On Sunday morning we decided
to cycle and walk long the coastal
path. Which offered lovely scenery
and views, before heading back
to the campsite via quiet country
roads. After a quick bite to eat

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