VW Bus T4&5+ – July 2019

(lily) #1




his month we are
combining some Italian
practicality with some
Mexican flavour,
and adding a touch
of South American influence
too. The chocolate is used to
add body, depth and colour to
your dish, and has been used
by the earliest of civilisations,
so if you’re not adding a small
amount to your chillis and tacos,
give it go. Speaking of chillies, if
you fancy spicing this dish up a
little then add some Jalapeno or
Finger chillies to the onions and
mushrooms, or add some Cayenne
pepper to the mix. We’ve used
5% fat mince and we recommend
that, or low-fat steak mince, but
you could always replace it with
turkey mince. For the vegetarians
amongst us, try tofu or how about
Jackfruit instead? We also used
a pre-made Taco seasoning for
ease, but you could add Chilli,
Paprika and Oregano along with
some salt and pepper to taste
instead. The pizza dough was
rectangular when it came from
the packet, so we just used some
flour to stop it from sticking when
we were adding the filling. These
can be enjoyed hot or cold and the
bonus of having left over mince
mix is that it can be used with
either tortilla chips or taco shells
and your favourite dips, bonus.

2 Medium onions – chopped
3 Cloves of garlic – peeled and finely
180g Mushrooms - sliced
500g 5% Fat beef mince
30g Taco seasoning
1 pack Pre-rolled pizza dough
150g Cheddar cheese - grated
20g Dark chocolate -grated

Baja Breadsticks

These Baja Breadsticks have a secret ingredient that has
been used for hundreds of years, if it was good enough
for the Mayans and Aztecs, then its fine for us

by Steve “autoholic” Edwards

Top Tips
Don’t overfill the dough strips or they will burst.
As always remember to clean as you go, nobody
likes a messy kitchen!


  1. Pre-heat oven to 220C, 450F or Gas Mark 8.

  2. Fry the onions, mushrooms and garlic until
    the onions are transparent.

  3. Add the mince, taco seasoning and dark
    chocolate then cook until browned. Remove
    from heat.

  4. Remove pizza dough from all packaging
    and place on a floured surface. Divide into
    five 7.5cm strips using a pizza cutter.

  5. Spoon the mince mixture followed by the
    half the cheese along the centre of the strips,
    being careful not to overfill. Save some

cheese for later.

  1. Gently bring the sides together and pinch to
    close, ensuring both ends are closed securely.

  2. Transfer to a greaseproof paper lined
    baking tray, turn over so the pinched side is
    on the bottom and brush with olive oil.

  3. Bake for 10 minutes, remove from oven
    and top with remainder of the cheese, then
    return to the oven for a further 5 minutes.

  4. Carefully remove from baking tray to a
    cooling rack and if serving immediately, take
    care as the contents will be hot.

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