VW Bus T4&5+ – July 2019

(lily) #1


them! Also, thanks to the kind
soul who appeared around ten
minutes later with a can of ice-cold
cider! Both much appreciated.
I was, as you’d expect, very busy
over the weekend, so I’d also like
to apologise if I didn’t stop for a
chat. In normal circumstances,
stopping for a chat is my favourite
pastime, but needs must.
Now with all that housework
done... Camper Jam 2019 Wow!
The biggest one yet, I thought the
traders were on fire this year. As I
perused the miles and miles of aisles
with another colleague, Wendy
Lennon, I was blown away by the
variety of bus goodies on offer,
including some new products and
ideas in amongst the perennial
favourites. I didn’t get to see much
of the evenings’ entertainments as
I’d have liked, but what I did see
was great. That big top was rammed
and outside was similarly packed
with Jammers chilling in seats
and enjoying the sounds. I forced
I’m writing this column on the Monday after what was for me,
probably the best Camper Jam ever. And that’s quite a claim!
Words: Alan Hayward


’m going to start with a few
thanks. Firstly, thanks to
everyone that put forward
their buses for the Special
Display on Saturday, it was
the best turnout yet, a particular
thanks to the clubs that we invited
down: The Slambassador Social
Club, Lowdown Transporters and
Southcoast VW Transporters. Their
participation was a big success
and I will be looking to increase
club involvement next year. On
the subject of clubs, I hope you all
enjoyed the new improved location
of Club Camping this year.
Next thanks go to the Show and
Shine entrants on Sunday, this
part of the event is organised by
my colleague, David Eccles over at
Camper and Commercial, my role
is simply to stand at one end of the
display field and point at things.
The standard was up again and
with over 100 in the competition,
we had both quality and quantity!
Congratulations to the winners,
I’m not going to list them as
that’s something for the free
Camper Jam supplement that
will be in the next issue. I’d also
like to thank the marshals and
judges that volunteered to help
on these two parts of the event.
Whilst I’m here, I’d like to
show my appreciation to the lady
who appeared by my side at the
entrance to club camping around
9:45 on Friday night and gave me
two home-made sausage rolls,
claiming she thought I needed

myself to sample some fayre on offer
from the food vendors. Suffice it
to say that I didn’t lose any weight
despite covering more miles that
I’d care to count. My apple watch
gave up counting too, when I forgot
to put it on charge after returning
late to my bed one evening, having
compared the different ciders on
offer, both in the “Friends Bar” and
those on offer at friends’ pitches
on the way back to the Big Bus...
I guess, like most of you, the
Monday after a great show is a bit of
a struggle. It’s hard to concentrate as
I keep running through the events
of the weekend in my mind, smiling
at some of the more outrageous and
even laughing out loud at some of
your Facebook posts. It looks like
you guys enjoyed it as much as I
did. Still I shouldn’t complain at
least I’m getting paid to reminisce
in print, if this was social media,
I’d insert a Winking Emoji here.
So, what’s next? Oh yeah, prep
the Big Bus for Volks Weald!

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