Classic Dirt Bike – August 2019

(lu) #1
workshop withour collectionofmachinery.


of akind


Jerry’srolled up his sleevesand is pushing on toreach
rollingframestagewiththeSWMandsofar he’s more
than pleasedwith theresults. Overthelast fewweeks,
asIhavecontinued with the SWMrestoration,my
mood hasswung from cripes what-have-I-donewhen I
findyetanother problem, to ridiculous optimism when
Iwork out howtosolveit.
Of most concernwasthe holed primarychain case
andthefactthat itwasathin castingwasbad enough,
but it being made of magnesium onlymade matters
worse.Ithoughtit wasscrapbutJ&S Engineering of
ColwynBayobviouslythought differently. Isent them
pictures andexpected them to tell me the badnews,
but no.Theysaid send it up and theywould sortitout
andtheydid!Theirchapis obviouslyamagician–just
acouple of coats ofpaintand itlooks great.
My initialwantslisthas grownslightlyasIhave
realised thefrontmudguardstays andthe handlebars
arewrong. Otherwise I’vebeen luckyasconsidering
the machine had beenin bits for20years,very little
had been lost.
With part twoofthewants listcompiled,getting
the SWM down to bareframereadyfor colour proved
to belaughablyeasy. Firstthough,Itestfittedagood

second-handbash plate andgaveit afewtweaks
for the perfectfit. This is bestdone beforethe frame
is restoredrather thanrepeatedlyoffering it up to a
beautifullyfinished frame.Thatcompleted,Imade
anewrear mudguardmountingboss toreplace a
damagedone and sent the frameofftohaveitwelded
in, also asking theweldertolayer somebrazeinto
scars where somebodyhad been heavy handed with a
grinder whileremoving thebrake leverbolt.
Havingtheframerepaired andreadyforrefinishing
wasamassiveturning point andahugepsychological
boost, but nowthere-build proper starts.
In chargeof theframefinishingwere CJ Powder
Coatingsof Grimsbyand fortunatelyshoddypaint
stripping on the forkyokeshadleft enough ofthe
original colourforthemtomakeagood match.They
chemicallystripped the entireframein ahot tank,
gaveit the lightestblast and thenre-coatedit,first in
primer,then in thecorrect glorious metallicbluefinish
andfinallywith lacquer. Comparing it withmycolour
matchparts afterwardsshowedthe colour to bespot
on too.Theyreallyseem togo theextramileonthis
sort ofjob, it looksamazing and thelustrous candy
finishreallysparkles in thesunlight.
With theframein thecorrect coloureverypart

is anicecolour.
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