11 TopCub
We collarthe winner of thePre-
Scottisheveryyear and ask to doatest
on the bike.2019 wasnodifferent.
27 From thearchive
There’sbeen someform of showto
exhibit industrywares almostas lon gas
there’sbeen an industry...aspecificdirt
bike showthough isfairlyrecent.
36 Elsinore
When Hondadecidedto buildatwo-
stroke MXer theynamed it afteratown
in California.
66 Acelebration
Rickman dayatthe SammyMiller
museum andaprofile onTimDalla way–
all squeezed intofive pages.
76 XR in theframe
AHonda inspiredbyaYamaha?Yep,
read allabout it here... aswe quiz the
original builder and currentowner.
54 ClassicCastle
Is thereabettersettingfor amotocross
than the stunningDrumlanrigCastle in
Dumfries and Galloway?
62 Highland Classic
The IDMCC’sHighland ClassicTwoDay
Trial celebrated SWM in 2019.
64 Nostalgicall yspeakin g...
...therewas alot going on at the
Westmorland MotorClub’sBultaco
Te chnical
44 Rebuilding to ride
With aclassic,atwinshockand an Evo
to sort there’senough diversity for most
people in our spanner-twirling section.
50 Dirt Products
Got something of interest to the dirt
bikeworld? Let us knowand we’lltell
(^76) everyone else...we’relike thatyousee.
AUTUMN 2019 |