Sunday Magazine - 18.08.2019

(vip2019) #1

S MAGAZINE ★ 18 AUGUST 2019 27


With season two on the way,
season one ended on a cliffhanger
and Freema didn’t know if she’d
be back for the second season

  • and she’s not at liberty to say
    much about the new series except
    that “there’s gonna be some big
    changes happening”.
    Did she find the suspense
    exciting or nerve-racking? “I find it
    really exciting. I have a friend
    whose lifestyle is very different to
    mine and she says, ‘How do you go
    to bed at night not knowing where
    your next pay cheque is going to
    come from, which country you’re
    going to be in and what your life is
    going to be like in five years time?’
    “My response is, ‘How do you
    go to bed each night knowing
    exactly the answer to all of those
    questions?’ I’ve been so fortunate
    to have such diversity in my
    career. You have to be someone
    who’s OK with change. If not, then
    don’t pick acting as a career.”
    Freema played a medical
    student in Doctor Who and its
    Torchwood spin-off. “So people on
    social media are saying to me this
    is Martha Jones graduating now
    because it was only at the end
    that she qualified,” she smiles.
    “This could be her after-Cardiff life
    and in a way there are similarities
    because she was very together
    and quite headstrong.”
    The actress was born in London
    to an Iranian mother and a
    Ghanaian father (they split when
    she was young) and was educated
    at a convent school where she
    toyed with the idea of becoming
    a marine biologist. But a summer
    stint at theatre school soon put
    paid to that. Hooked on acting,
    she studied drama and performing
    arts at Middlesex University.
    After graduating in 2000 she
    played chef Lola Wise in the
    Crossroads reboot and popped up
    in The Bill and Silent Witness
    before hopping into David
    Tennant’s Tardis in 2007. She left
    the role after a 2010 Christmas
    special but still gets stopped in
    the street by fans. She also gets a
    lot of Law & Order shout-outs and
    attention from Sense8’s cult
    following. “When people come up
    to me I always like to try and
    guess what show they’re going to

want to talk about. And what I really
love is how loyal the fans are and
how they’ll support you in your next
venture, even if it’s not necessarily
up their street.”
The streets of New York are
where she is mostly to be found
these days, although she returns
to London as often as her filming
schedules will allow. I ask what
she most enjoys when she’s in the
UK and she beams, “Oh mate, I’ve
gotta watch my Coast Vs Country
and Escape To The Country, have
my cups of tea...
“It just has a different vibe. This
is my home fundamentally and it
always will be. Getting off the
plane, just to hear the voices and
the London sound – it makes me
realise that when I’m here I don’t
have to give things as much
thought. I know what I’m doing
and I can navigate easily.”
Familiarity has its downside,

though. “You can fall into a little
bit of life complacency when you
know where you like going and
what you like doing.” That’s why
she has enjoyed relocating to New
York. “Suddenly you’re in this new
backdrop and you can almost
rediscover yourself. I was alone
there, although I never felt alone
because this production couldn’t
have been more welcoming. But
I walked the streets by myself
and I think it’s sometimes healthy
to rock your own boat.”
She likes the idea of putting
down roots in New York City. She
has taken out a two-year lease on
an apartment in Brooklyn, which
suggests that even if she’s not
back for season two of New
Amsterdam she has other projects
in the pipeline there.
Freema starts each day with
yoga and relaxes by reading books
(she has five on the go at the

moment) and doing crosswords.
“I have them strewn all over my
apartment, half-finished,” she
says, but guffaws at the prospect
of completing the New York
Times’ famously tricky crossword.
“Honey, I haven’t graduated to
that stage yet. I’m just a novice.
Forget about it.”
She is also into cryotherapy. “I
freeze myself. It’s addictive,” she
says. Likewise massage. “Anything
to do with body treatments I used
to think of as luxuries. But when
you get older in life and start to
feel little aches and pains, things
like deep tissue massages are all
about self-care. We do long days
and long shoots on the show so
you need to constantly be in a
state of good health.”

Season one of New Amsterdam is
streaming now on Amazon Prime
Video. Season two is coming soon.

Freema as Dr
Helen Sharpe in
New Amsterdam
with co-star
Ryan Eggold

As Martha Jones
with David Tennant
in Doctor Who

Freema and the
cast of Law
& Order: UK

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