Sunday Magazine - 18.08.2019

(vip2019) #1

34 S MAGAZINE ★ 18 AUGUST 2019

Dr Johanna Ward reveals 20 superfoods

that improve health and increase longevity


Broccoli contains an abundance of
vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients
and antioxidants, not to mention
sulforaphane, which supports liver
detoxification and has been shown to
block tumour growth. It also helps fight
infection and is associated with a
reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.


Kale is probably one of the most
beneficial greens around, so get
it into as many dishes as you
can. It is immune-boosting and
has significant antioxidant power.


Spinach is a super all-rounder
when it comes to nutrients. It is
full of vitamins A, C and K, has
manganese, magnesium, calcium,
iron, folate and potassium and is loaded
with antioxidants and phytonutrients
(natural chemicals found in plants).
Spinach fights free-radical damage, too.


Bell peppers are rich in
quercetin, flavonoids,
carotenoids, vitamin C and ferulic
acid, all of which help combat
free radicals and reduce inflammation.
Bell peppers actually contain more than
30 phytonutrients, so their nutrient
capacity is quite phenomenal.


Sweet potatoes are antioxidant-
and nutrient-packed superfoods.
Loaded with fibre, antioxidants,
phytonutrients, vitamins and
minerals, they are great for combating
renegade free radicals that otherwise
could damage your DNA.


Avocados are nutritious fruits,
rich in healthy fats and fibre and
containing more than 20 vitamins
and minerals. Avocados contain
more potassium than bananas and are
loaded with monounsaturated fatty
acids, which are great for the heart.


Legumes are full of natural
goodness, including zinc, iron,
folate, potassium and fibre, and
are low-calorie sources of healthy
fats, protein and fibre. Lentils are
particularly good for you as they are
high in fibrous prebiotics. Sprout them
to double their antioxidant capacity.


Goji berries’ potent antioxidant
properties have given them
a long run in traditional medicinal
therapies and they are linked to
longevity, strength and sexual vigour.
Studies have shown they are beneficial for
diabetics, protect the heart, can improve
sexual function and are of benefit to the
brain. They are also good for vision.


Strawberries are anti-inflammatory
and help reduce blood pressure
and oxidative stress, which can
lead to cell and tissue damage.
They also reduce your cholesterol levels.
Just eight strawberries contain 120 per
cent of your daily vitamin C needs.


Blueberries are powerful
anti-ageing and anti-cancer
allies. Try to eat one serving
every day, as these berries
are rich in antioxidants, polyphenols and

Food for


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