Sunday Magazine - 18.08.2019

(vip2019) #1

S MAGAZINE ★ 18 AUGUST 2019 47


12 cherry tomatoes
1 tsp olive oil
● Mix together the lavender,
honey, smoked salt, pepper,
crushed garlic, olive oil, lemon
zest and juice.
● Place the lamb in a large
zip-lock bag and pour over
the marinade.
● Rub the marinade all over the
lamb and seal the bag, squeezing
out as much air as possible.
● Lay the lamb in a baking tray
just in case any liquid leaks out
of the bag and refrigerate
overnight or for up to 2 days.
● Preheat the oven to 180°C/
350°F/gas mark 4 and place
the marinated leg of lamb, fat
side up, on a rack over a large
roasting tray.
● Roast the lamb for 45 minutes
if you like it just pink or for 1 hour
if you prefer your meat cooked
a little more. Using a meat
thermometer is the most accurate
way of always ensuring perfectly
cooked meat. When the
temperature of the lamb reads
54-60°C (130-140°F) in the
thickest part, it can rest and will
be perfectly pink. If you don’t want
it pink, then 66°C (150°F) – or
higher – is for you.
● Meanwhile, make the salsa
verde. Crush the garlic, finely chop
the parsley and mint, then roughly
chop the capers, gherkins and
anchovies. Mix in the mustard,
vinegar and olive oil then season
to taste.
● Remove the lamb from the
oven, cover loosely with foil then
rest for 15 minutes.
● Use a sharp knife to carefully
strip the corn kernels from
the cobs.
● Quarter the tomatoes and place
in a bowl.
● Heat a large, heavy-based pan
over a high heat and sauté the
corn in the oil for 2 minutes until
just charring. Spoon into the bowl
with the tomatoes.
● Mix together then spoon on to
a large platter or serving board.
● Carve the lamb and lay the
slices over the corn and tomatoes.
Serve with the salsa verde.

All recipes written and developed
by home economist Dominic Hoile

Honey and lavender
lamb with corn
and salsa verde

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