Sunday Magazine - 18.08.2019

(vip2019) #1

S MAGAZINE ★ 18 AUGUST 2019 57


like my family so I was thrilled
when Jeffrey and I were reunited in

  1. Jody wasn’t keen on coming
    back, but now we have Carolyn
    Griffey as a permanent vocalist
    and the fans love her.
    Thirty-six years since this picture
    was taken I still feel like the
    same guy, still really happy to be
    performing, but I’m holding on to
    the last strand of hair. And I joke
    with Jeffrey that I’ve taken up
    body-popping because every
    morning I wake up and my body
    pops into place.”

Shalamar Gold is out now as a
three-CD set and single-disc vinyl.

with them on a local TV show.
There have been so many
highlights since then, like the time
we did two sold-out shows a night
across four nights at the Dominion
in London then added another
show at Wembley Arena. Or when
I got to do backing vocals for
Barbra Streisand on an album
she did with Quincy Jones and
also for Donna Summer on State
Of Independence.
When Jeffrey and Jody left the
band for various reasons after the
release of The Look, I was still
under contract so I did another
album with a new line-up and it
was fun. But Jeffrey and Jody were

LA, working in the women’s shoes
section of a department store, but
I always wanted to perform. I was
in a group touring Europe and
Asia, then I was kicking around for
a few months before I got the offer
to join Shalamar.
Jeffrey, who I’d met at a club
a couple of years earlier, called
up to say the lead singer had
quit the band in the middle of
a promotional tour and they
wanted me to take his place. That
was on a Friday, I flew out to New
Jersey on the Sunday to rehearse
the lip-sync and choreography
for Take That To The Bank, and
the next day I was performing

My favourite photograph by

Shalamar’s Howard Hewett

Howard, 63, recalls working on The Tube alongside Boy George when

his soul band was top of the charts Words by Simon Button

“THIS is what
I’d call an
since it’s me
with Boy
George on
The Tube in

  1. I don’t
    know who that is in the middle,
    probably a competition winner,
    but it sums up a magical time for
    Shalamar when so much great
    stuff was happening, especially in
    the UK. We’d had huge successes
    in the British charts with A Night
    To Remember and I Can Make You
    Feel Good and the Friends album
    the previous year and the single
    that I’m holding up, Dead Giveaway
    from the follow-up album The Look,
    had just gone top 10.
    I got to meet all these icons like
    George Michael from Wham! and
    I remember Boy George being a
    really nice guy. He was bigger than
    I’d expected, a really tall guy, and
    not someone you’d mess with, but
    he was a cool cat.
    Britain really embraced us after
    they saw Jeffrey Daniel doing the
    moonwalk, or the backslide as it
    was called back then, on Top Of
    The Pops when we first performed
    A Night To Remember on the show.
    He’d been doing his body-popping
    thing for a couple of years in our
    live shows, where Jody Watley and
    I would pull this imaginary rope
    and he’d glide across the stage,
    but you guys had never seen
    anything like it before and the
    next day the single’s sales went
    through the roof.
    I’d been singing since I was 10
    years old. I had one nine-to-five
    when I first moved from Ohio to


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