8 ❘ August 29, 2019 http://www.oldcarsweekly.com
16 Keels & Wheels 2019
Impressive cars and a good cause
come together again
20 AACA Grand
The best of the best come together
in Auburn
24 Going for ‘Amber’
The 2019 Grand National Roadster Show
32 Cadillac Madam V
Cadillac Madam V is an ATS-V
in a classic’s skin
36 Young Gun Gone
‘Old School’
Building a ’32 Ford is a family affair
62 50 and Fabulous
Original owner is still rolling in her
unlikely fi rst car — a 1969 Judge!
4 From the Editor
9 Sound Your Horn
9 Reader Wheels
11 News/The Scoop
11 Weathered Wheels
12 Wreck of the Week
13 Reader Photo
14 Club Clips/Vintage Ad
15 Q&A
18 Packard Points
24 Speaking of Hot Rods
36 Reader Story
40 OC Show Calendar
50 OC Classifi ed Ads