OK! Magazine USA – August 19, 2019

(Dana P.) #1
of four — but Victoria Beckham
is in better shape now than she
was back in the ’90s when she
broke into the music scene with
the Spice Girls. However, the
singer turned fashion designer
stresses that it didn’t happen overnight. “I
am very, very disciplined in the way that I
work out and in what I eat,” said Victoria,
admitting that while it can be hard to stick
to a program given her grueling schedule,
the results are worth it. “I expect a lot from
my body — I’m [45], I’ve got four kids, I work
a lot, I travel. For me to do all that, I have to
eat healthily and work out,” she explained.
“That’s how I’m happiest.”

When it comes to her diet, Victoria keeps it
clean and nutritious. She starts off each
morning with two tablespoons of apple
cider vinegar, to prep her gut for the day,
followed by a spoonful of bee pollen.
“Twenty-two amino acids, 12 vitamins,
28 minerals,” she said of its benefits, also
crediting the superfood with slowing down
the aging process. “We can’t have
wrinkles!” After that, Victoria whips up her
signature “green monster” smoothie (a mix
of apples, kiwi, lemon, spinach, broccoli and
chia seeds) and finishes breakfast with a
bowl of Ezekiel sprouted grain cereal and
unsweetened almond milk. “I enjoy eating
healthily,” noted the mom of Brooklyn, 20,
Romeo, 16, Cruz, 14, and Harper, 8, with
hubby David, 44. “And I’m in the fortunate
position where it’s easy for me [to do so].”
The rest of the day, Victoria — who’s cut
milk and cheese from her diet — sticks to
foods that are fresh and protein-packed.

Lunch is usually salad and salmon (she’s
said eating more of the fish, which is loaded
with omega-3 fatty acids, cleared her
“problematic skin”) and dinner is a lean fillet
of fish paired with veggies, like broccoli,
beans and peas. “I used to cook a lot. But
these days I don’t get home ’til late,” she
said, adding that her husband usually
makes supper for the family. And thankfully,
“David is a really good cook!”

Victoria pushes her body to the limit on a
daily basis. If she isn’t attending a SoulCycle
or Barry’s Bootcamp class, she’s breaking a
sweat in her home gym. “I get up quite
early, around 6 a.m., and I go for a
three-mile run [on my treadmill], a mix of
uphill fast walking, jogging and running,”
said Posh, who stays entertained by
watching “box sets” and docs during the
45-minute cardio session. “That’s the only
time I watch TV, so I look forward to that.”
Once her run is complete, she hits the
gym with a personal trainer. “[We do] 30
minutes legs, 30 minutes arms, toning and
conditioning, then loads of planks and that
kind of thing for my core,” shared Victoria,
who typically works out six to seven days a
week. “On the weekend, I’ll do the whole
thing straight through, but during the week
I often jump in the car halfway through to
take the [younger] kids to school, then
carry on when I get home before I go to
the office.”
All things considered, Victoria burns
more calories by 10 a.m. than most people
do in an entire day — and she wouldn’t have
it any other way. “Working out is a really
positive thing for me,” she notes. “It’s part
of who I am now, and I really enjoy it.” OK!







“I have an incredible
life,” said Victoria
with her husband,
David, and their four
kids. “I know how
lucky I am.”

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