Artists & Illustrators – September 2019

(Marcin) #1
Check class sizes before you begin
and bear in mind that while large
classes are fun, they can result in less
time with the tutor. Often there is no
structured teaching in a life class, just
a series of poses for you to try and
capture, and a tutor walking around
offering encouragement, pointers for
improvement and areas to work upon.

If you are in a class with no structured
teaching, here are three self-
motivated exercises that you could try:

  1. Gesture drawing
    Suitable for: shorter 1-2 minute poses
    Getting a complete likeness in a few
    minutes is near impossible so when
    faced with quicker poses, concentrate
    on gesture not on form and tone. Look
    downtoa seriesofessentialgestures:
    thesweepofa leg,forexample,oran

arched back. Use the side of a stick of
charcoal or pastel to indicate the
gesture broadly. Be prepared to get
stuck in quickly and make decisive
marks – it is surprising how time fl ies.

What you will learn: To be instinctive
and to identify the essential elements
of a pose quickly.

  1. Measuring up
    Suitable for: longer 15+ minute poses
    Choose a dominant element of the
    body such as the head and draw it on
    your page. Now use this as a unit of
    measurement with which to mark out
    all the other elements of the fi gure.
    Is the fi gure eight heads tall or nine?
    It can help to draw a stick man-style
    structure and then bulk out your fi gure
    with measured units.


and train your eye to better see it.

  1. Negative space
    Suitable for: classes in larger rooms
    If you have space to step back from
    the model a little, this can be a fun
    exercise to try. Rather than drawing
    the fi gure itself, focus instead on the
    space around the model.
    Begin by looking at the gap between
    the model’s arm and body. What
    shape is this space? Draw it on your
    page with no other reference. Next
    fi nd another shape: a gap between
    the legs if crossed, for example. Draw
    that space too. Identify other spaces
    around the model’s body. Think of
    them as larger shapes at fi rst and
    then refi ne them if time allows.

What you will learn: To not draw what
youthinkyousee– an“arm”– and

Be prepared to get stuck in

quickly and make decisive marks

  • it is surprising how time flies


Not your fi rst rodeo? Try these different products
to shake up your next fi gure drawing session

Daler-Rowney Warm Pastel Papers
A mid-toned paper allows you to work
up to highlights and down to shadows.

Derwent XL Charcoal
Chunkier slabs of charcoal won’t snap
as easily, inspiring bolder mark making.

Faber-Castell Pitt Monochrome Set
This Renaissance-inspired drawing set
adds sepia, sanguine and white pencils.

ArtGraf Tailor Shape
Blocks of pigment shaped like tailor’s
pencils, ideal for sweeping lines.

Zest-It Pencil Blend
Create smoother transitions with
this citrus-smelling solvent.

Nitram Sharpening Bloc
Hone your drawing media to a
fi ne point on this abrasive paddle.

Free download pdf