Artists & Illustrators – September 2019

(Marcin) #1
or hair. When it’s bad for the planet, it is usually bad for
our bodies as well. So, I guess it makes sense that I work
surrounded by nature, it’s what makes me feel most at
ease, loved even.

How has the space encouraged and shaped your work?
If I am feeling overwhelmed or pulled in too many directions
by my own mind, I choose to take care of the massive
garden. I can spend two whole days this way, lost in leaves
as big as me, taking away the dead to allow for new growth.
It’s all very symbolic, working with plants this way has given
me a new perspective on our human existence.

Does the weather impact on your way of working?
Yes, sometimes it is too hot to work in the middle of
summer, so I can only work in the mornings; sometimes –
not usually – it is too cold. Because it is so open to the
elements, I am able to look out my windows into the garden
and find a reference for a painting without even moving.
I can also go out and take a few clippings and use those as
a reference. I find it to be all very romantic: going into the
garden, taking a few orange tree blossoms and branches,
pinning them up on the white walls, and getting to work.

Inside thepainteranddigitalartist’s


California.Interview: RACHAELFUNNELL


Your studio is wonderfully unique. How did it develop?
I have been living at the property for about eight years, and
we built the studio right when I moved in. I considered
renting a space elsewhere but decided against it. The
property was huge and what better than a studio in our
lush backyard? So, with the help of my father and my
boyfriend, I went for it.

What were the most important considerations?
The most important element was doing it as low budget
as possible – we were only renting after all, so we used
reclaimed materials. Some we found in alleys: for example,
the floor is made of an old fence. I had to sand down and
stain it, but it felt good to use something that was going
to be trash. Another consideration was light. Light is so
important when painting, you can’t see the colours properly
unless you have strong natural light. The structure is made
of mostly windows, and the ceiling is made of transparent
corrugated roofing material.

What was the significance of using reclaimed materials?
I try to live a natural lifestyle, I don’t consume artificial
foods, and I don’t put anything I wouldn’t eat on my body



Natalie likes to
repurpose old
frames: “I love
finding old gems
at flea markets.”
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