Coins – October 2019

(Dana P.) #1


Millard Filmore
KM# 475. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2010P 2.00 3.00 —
2010P Satin Finish 2.00 4.00 —
2010D 2.00 3.00 —
2010D Satin Finish 2.00 4.00 —
2010S — — 4.00

Franklin Pierce
KM# 476. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2010P 2.00 3.00 —
2010P Satin Finish 2.00 4.00 —
2010D 2.00 3.00 —
2010D Satin Finish 2.00 4.00 —
2010S — — 4.00

James Buchanan
KM# 477. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2010P 2.00 3.00 —
2010P Satin Finish 2.00 4.00 —
2010D 2.00 3.00 —
2010D Satin Finish 2.00 4.00 —
2010S — — 4.00

Abraham Lincoln
KM# 478. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2010P 2.00 3.00 —
2010P Satin Finish 2.00 4.00 —
2010D 2.00 3.00 —
2010D Satin Finish 2.00 4.00 —
2010S — — 4.00

Andrew Johnson
KM# 499. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2011P 2.00 3.00 —
2011D 2.00 3.00 —
2011S — — 4.00
Ulysses S. Grant
KM# 500. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2011P 2.00 3.00 —
2011D 2.00 3.00 —
2011S — — 4.00
Rutherford B. Hayes
KM# 501. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2011P 2.00 3.00 —
2011D 2.00 3.00 —
2011S — — 4.00
James Garfi eld
KM# 502. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2011P 2.00 3.00 —
2011D 2.00 3.00 —
2011S — — 4.00
Chester A. Arthur
KM# 524. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2012P 2.00 3.00 —
2012D 2.00 3.00 —
2012S — — 5.00
Grover Cleveland, fi rst term
KM# 525. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2012P 2.00 3.00 —
2012D 2.00 3.00 —
2012S — — 5.00
Benjamin Harrison
KM# 526. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2012P 2.00 3.00 —
2012D 2.00 3.00 —
2012S — — 5.00

Grover Cleveland, second term
KM# 527. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2012P 2.00 3.00 —
2012D 2.00 3.00 —
2012S — — 5.00

William McKinley
KM# 547. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2013P 2.00 3.00 —
2013D 2.00 3.00 —
2013S — — 5.00

Theodore Roosevelt
KM# 548. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2013P 2.00 3.00 —
2013D 2.00 3.00 —
2013S — — 5.00

William Howard Taft
KM# 549. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2013P 2.00 3.00 —
2013D 2.00 3.00 —
2013S — — 5.00

Woodrow Wilson
KM# 550. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2013P 2.00 3.00 —
2013D 2.00 3.00 —
2013S — — 5.00
Warren G. Harding
KM# 571. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2014P 2.00 3.00 —
2014D 2.00 3.00 —
2014S — — 5.00
Calvin Coolidge
KM# 572. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2014P 2.00 5.00 —
2014D 2.00 5.00 —
2014S — — 5.00
Herbert Hoover
KM# 573. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2014P 2.00 3.00 —
2014D 2.00 3.00 —
2014S — — 5.00
Franklin D. Roosevelt
KM# 574. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2014P 2.00 3.00 —
2014D 2.00 3.00 —
2014S — — 5.00
Harry S. Truman
KM# 606. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2015P 2.00 3.00 —
2015D 2.00 3.00 —
2015S — — 5.00
2015P Reverse Proof — — —
Note: In 2015 Truman Coin and Chronicles
Sets only, including 1oz. silver Presidential
medal and U.S. postage stamp
Dwight D. Eisenhower
KM# 607. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2015P 2.00 3.00 —
2015D 2.00 3.00 —
2015S — — 5.00
2015P Reverse Proof — — —
Note: In 2015 Eisenhower Coin and
Chronicles Sets only, including 1oz. silver
Presidential medal and U.S. postage stamp

John F. Kennedy
KM# 608. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2015P 2.00 3.00 —
2015D 2.00 3.00 —
2015S — — 5.00
2015P Reverse Proof — — —
Note: In 2015 Kennedy Coin and Chronicles
Sets only, including 1oz. silver Presidential
medal and U.S. postage stamp

Lyndon B. Johnson
KM# 609. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2015P 2.00 3.00 —
2015D 2.00 3.00 —

Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2015S — — 5.00
2015P Reverse Proof — — —
Note: In 2015 Johnson Coin and Chronicles
Sets only, including 1oz. silver Presidential
medal and U.S. postage stamp

Ronald Reagan
KM# 621. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-
Nickel Clad Copper
Date MS63 MS65 Prf65
2016P 2.00 3.00 —
2016D 2.00 3.00 —
2016S — — 5.00
2016S Reverse Proof — — —
Note: In 2016 Reagan Coin and Chronicles
Sets only, including 1oz. silver Presidential
2017SEnhancedUnc. — 15.00 —

$1 (Gold)

KM# 73 Liberty Head - Type 1. Liberty head left within circle of
stars. Value, date within 3/4 wreath. Gold.
Date F12 VF20 XF40 AU50 MS60 MS63
1849 open wreath 155 205 210 230 700 975
1849 small head, no L —————1,600
1849 closed wreath 130 200 240 285 450 1,400
1849C closed wreath 800 1,000 1,400 2,000 8,300 13,850
1849C open wreath 100,000 150,000 200,000 300,000 500,000 —
1849D open wreath 900 1,250 2,000 2,350 4,400 11,000
1849O open wreath 160 270 300 345 940 3,800
1850 190 205 210 230 300 670
1850C 800 1,150 1,725 2,875 6,800 21,750
1850D 900 1,200 1,950 2,875 9,800 22,000
1850O 250 500 750 875 2,600 5,500
1851 155 205 210 230 300 500
1851C 750 1,000 1,400 1,675 2,800 6,250
1851D 850 1,150 1,900 2,200 4,600 12,750
1851O 155 205 210 230 675 1,850
1852 155 205 220 230 300 450
1852C 750 1,000 1,350 2,200 4,000 10,500
1852D 850 1,150 1,725 2,200 7,000 29,500
1852O 155 205 210 230 985 3,325
1853 155 205 210 230 300 500
1853C 750 1,000 1,525 1,775 4,300 13,000
1853D 850 1,150 1,725 2,400 7,500 20,500
1853O 155 205 210 230 550 1,675
1854 155 205 210 230 300 479
1854D 1,200 1,800 3,500 6,000 9,800 26,500
1854S 225 350 475 1,050 2,450 6,400
KM# 83 Indian Head - Type 2. Indian head with headdress left.
Value, date within wreath. Gold.
Date F12 VF20 XF40 AU50 MS60 MS63
1854 80.00 180 300 520 1,025 4,950
1855 80.00 180 300 520 1,025 4,650
1855C 1,200 2,000 2,750 5,500 14,000 22,000
1855D 4,500 7,500 20,000 25,000 40,000 75,000
1855O 950 1,100 1,275 1,800 6,750 24,750
1856S 460 700 1,400 2,200 6,750 23,000
KM# 86 Indian Head - Type 3. Indian head with headdress left.
Value, date within wreath. Gold.
Date F12 VF20 XF40 AU50 MS60 MS63 Prf65
1856 upright 5 185 225 240 285 450 1,200 —
1856 slanted 5 185 225 310 335 310 600 60,000
1856D 2,900 5,000 8,000 9,200 24,000 60,000 —
1857 185 225 240 285 310 650 30,000
1857C 650 800 1,500 2,800 8,000 — —
1857D 800 1,300 1,800 3,350 9,000 — —
1857S 200 425 650 1,000 4,000 16,500 —
1858 185 225 240 285 307 325 23,000
1858D 900 1,050 1,900 2,675 6,300 19,000 —
1858S 310 480 750 1,050 4,200 15,750 —
1859 185 225 240 285 325 600 16,000
1859C 1,200 1,800 2,800 3,600 6,000 22,000 —
1859D 950 1,200 1,800 2,800 8,000 17,000 —
1859S 200 275 475 1,000 3,700 12,000 —
1860 185 225 240 285 310 1,050 13,000
1860D 2,000 2,800 5,000 9,000 16,000 43,000 —
1860S 325 375 525 680 2,250 5,275 —
1861 185 225 240 285 420 1,000 13,000
1861D mintage unrecorded 12,000 18,000 30,000 60,000 70,000 110,000 —
1862 185 225 240 285 350 625 17,000
1863 450 700 1,200 2,200 4,700 8,000 17,000
1864 400 550 650 750 1,100 2,800 17,000
1865 500 600 800 900 1,200 3,000 15,000
1866 300 350 500 600 900 2,200 12,000
1867 300 350 500 650 1,000 2,400 13,000
1868 300 350 500 600 950 1,700 13,000
1869 300 350 500 600 900 1,500 12,000
1870 300 350 500 600 775 1,875 11,500
1870S 450 600 850 1,200 2,000 6,500 —
1871 250 300 375 450 700 1,250 14,000
1872 225 275 325 400 800 1,700 14,000
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