Women’s Health USA – September 2019

(Dana P.) #1

your life were you MOST comfortable with your body?” 67% of respondents think the desire to lose weight can carry a stigma now, and almost half said they would not be

it was never an is-
sue to have my
shirt off. It was just
part of being as-
signed male. But
once I began ex-
ploring woman-
hood in my teens,
and then eventual-
ly transitioned,
all of a sudden it
was illegal to show
the exact same
nipple. Trans wom-
en, and women in
general, have so
many constraints
placed on their
bodies. That’s why,
for me, being na-
ked on my own
terms is liberating.
When I was young-
er, I don’t think I
knew what a happy
life looked like. And
happiness is still
something I have to
work at. It’s a daily
practice for me to
love myself and
love life. I’ve gone
through a lot of
pain and crying
moments, looking
in the mirror at my-
self and wondering
why and what to
do next. I’m still
on that journey of
and loving my body
for all of its curves
and imperfections
and everything
that makes me
me, which I think
is something that
every woman
struggles with.”

actress, Transparent and
Hustlers; trans activist

“We’ve been

told as trans

people not to

exist, and there’s


about being

naked that

is so powerful

and natural.”

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