Victoria – October 01, 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1
While Melissa’s store carries an abun-
dance of wares, she still abides by advice
received decades ago from a mentor—never
buy something unless you love it enough to
put it in your own home.

83 Victoria October 2019

began with the fi rst thing that caught the
entrepreneur’s attention when she entered
the design business: antique textiles. When
faced with a 300-year-old tapestry in less
than ideal condition, she took salvageable
fragments and fashioned them into unique
pillows. Twenty years ago, these were dis-
played on a baker’s rack in the window of an
antique mall, but today, the elegant cushions
line the wall of her showroom from fl oor to
ceiling in a spectacular array.
Chesterfi eld sofas, massive planters,
beaded chandeliers, and other treasures
inhabit the remainder of the space. Many
antiques stores are not able to carry large
merchandise, such as dining sets and head-
boards, because they don’t have the room to
display it, but Melissa does. The large pieces
have sold so well that she recently began
producing custom furniture designed to
meet each individual’s needs.
Heart and soul go into every piece
Melissa and her team create and curate.
She says their work is always about quality,
uniqueness, and beauty, but the most impor-
tant priority is ensuring the comfort of their
clients. “Your home is your sanctuary,”she
says. “Fill it with pieces that speak to you.”V
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