Victoria – October 01, 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1
pposite, clockwise from above right: Pale aqua
cabinetry is designed with a spacious niche
that is not only a coffee station but also an ideal
placeto stage ever-changing vignettes throughout
the year. Bringing an autumnal look to the kitchen is achieved
with the simple addition of a tray of apples before the urn of
white orchids. Sweet, delicious, and healthy persimmons ripen
in the fall, offering not only nutrition but beautiful orange skins
to brighten arrangements. Antique books, bound in autumn-leaf
shades of gold, russet, and brown, lend the library a cohesive feel,
while ‘Autumn Orange’ tulips offer a pretty note on a bedside
table. This page, above: Amber stemware pairs with napery in
a warm bittersweet coloration for a table setting that perfectly
suits the season. The centerpiece features a scatteringofmini
pumpkins mixed with rainbow-kernelled Indian corn.V

87 Victoria October 2019

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