Hotelier Middle East – August 2019

(Nandana) #1

HOTELIER MIDDLE EAST | August 2019 | Volume 18 Issue 08 43

What are the three things that you would
suggest for skin maintenance and pro-
tection in this region?

You need to have a very good cream that’s
actually going on to work on hydrating the skin
from the outside. So, yes you’re drinking water
and you’re getting the hydrating nutrients
inside, but also exfoliating to remove the dead
cells so that the light gets reflected then a
good cream can penetrate.Sunscreen is very
important. It should have SPF 30 and be min-
eral based. Just SPF 30 is enough. Anything
above 30, is full of chemicals. Exfoliating is
also very important because in this region we
put a lot of makeup and to be able to remove
all the dead cells.

Do Nelly DeVyust products fall under the
clean beauty category?

Nelly DeVyst has two lines. We have the
classic Nelly DeVyust which are a corrective
line and we also have our fully organic line
called BioTense. The lab is organic, it is verified
twice a year, we are eco-certified COSMOS.
Five countries (England, France, Spain, Italy
and Germany) came together to ban 15,000
types of ingredients that they put in food and
cosmetics. Natural and organic is not the same
thing. Natural means that they take natural
ingredients that can have pesticides and
insecticides in them and they put them in a
product. Organic means that the lab is verified,
it is eco-certified. It has a verification with the
packaging. The packaging is fully recyclable
and soluble. Even the ink on the packaging
of BioTense is vegetable ink. So everything
is organic. The line is also vegan, cruelty

free and it’s result-driven. We don’t heat our
ingredients. So whatever is active stays active.

Is sustainability something that Nelly
DeVyust is concerned with as a brand?

Absolutely, we are very much aware and
everything is being manufactured in Canada.
We support the farmers and make sure that
they use sustainable practices. We also look
at how are the employees being treated and
if there anything that we give back. The Nelly
Classic line is organic luxury because the key
ingredients are from farmers but there’s still a
science base behind it. In the BioTense, every-
thing is organic.

What do you say if the people think that
these products are not results driven?

The products are backed by more than 40
years of research and development. There are
key ingredients in the BioTense cream that,
when you apply it, there’s a lift that you can
see it right away. There’s also a serum that
helps evacuate any stagnant blood under the
eyes. If you have any darkness, you can see
it right away because it gets absorbed. The
products really are phenomenal.

Earlier this year, skin care expert Nellie Habibi partnered with The Spa, FIVE

Palm Jumeirah to offer a range of facials using products from Canadian brand

Nelly De Vuyst. Newly introduced to the UAE, the brand has built a reputation

on its organic and results-driven skin care line



Nelly DeVyust products and
facials are available at The
Spa at FIVE Palm Jumeirah.
For more information, visit
wellbeing or
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