Hotelier Middle East – August 2019

(Nandana) #1
HOTELIER MIDDLE EAST | August 2019 | Volume 18 Issue 08




Can single-use plastic finally be consigned to the landfill of history?
Dubai-based firm Purecog believes it has the solution the world has been waiting for

EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: WWW.PURECOG.COM

Images of fi lthy beaches strewn with
plastic and marine life choking on
plastic bags has made an indelible
impact on millions across the globe,
and yet our reliance on single-use
plastic has continued unabated.
According to the Environment
Agency-Abu Dhabi, the average
UAE resident uses 1,182 plastic
bags per year – triple the global
average. And what happens with all
this plastic? 91% of it ends up in our
oceans or in landfi lls, permanently
staining the environment.
As conventional plastic is
not biodegradable, all it does is
breakdown into small pieces called
microplastics which can be toxic
and can easily end up in our food
or water supply. The painful result
is felt both around the world and
locally. In the UAE, 50% of all camel
deaths are attributable to single-
use plastics.
Step forward Purecog. The
Dubai-based sustainable tech

company has pioneered a new form
of thin-fi lm plastic replacement
water-soluble bags which could
mean an end to wasteful and
damaging single-use plastics.

Environmentally friendly,
Hydroplast bags are created from
a polymer which is everything
plastic isn’t. Water-soluble.
Biodegradable. Compostable.
Recyclable. Sustainable. Marine
safe. Rather than spending
thousands of years in a landfi ll, or
destroying our oceans, Hydroplast
bags can be dissolved safely, and
instantly, in water.
Below 63°c, whether in water or
landfi ll, Hydroplast takes an absolute
maximum of 1 year to fully break
down. At 63°c and above, Hydroplast
breaks down immediately into
its original and natural state of
hydrogen, carbon and oxygen.
Completely harmless elements.

It is in fact so clean that when
dissolved in water it is 100% safe
for human consumption.
All of our commonly used
plastics are hydrophobic (water
hating) which means they resist the
water they are in and attract other
hydrophobic materials to them
such as pesticides and other toxins.
This allows for these plastics to
concentrate toxins in combination
with longevity – a perfect storm.
Hydroplast’s material is hydrophilic
(water liking) and has no propensity
to attract toxins or form micro
plastics and is itself non-toxic to
marine fauna as defi ned by tests
conducted by the Open University.

As well as causing zero damage to
our environment at the end of their
life, Hydroplast products are actually
more than twice as strong as typical
thin-fi lm plastic – making them
both the sustainable and practical

Beaches littered with single-use plastic have
become an all too common sight.

The deserts of Dubai are not
immune to plastic waste.
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