Hotelier Middle East – August 2019

(Nandana) #1

HOTELIER MIDDLE EAST | August 2019 | Volume 18 Issue 08 53

Hydroplast is:
Marine safe

EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: WWW.PURECOG.COM

choice. No more ripped bags as you
throw them in the trash.The unique
properties of Hydroplast means it
has advantages that far outweigh
those of plastic bags, especially when
used in the hospitality industry.
One such example is in the
processing of laundry in a hotel.
Rather than transporting soiled
sheets from bedrooms to the
washing rooms in laundry bags
which are emptied and refi lled
causing cross-contamination,
Hydroplast bags can be fi lled and
simply thrown in the washing
machine with the laundry where
they will disintegrate safely.
Economically, Hydroplast bags
also hit the mark. Even with all the
benefi ts that they provide, rather
than cost more than environment-
damaging plastic bags, they are
actually 5% cheaper on average.
One of the services provided by
Purecog is a sustainability audit
which will provide clients with
a strategy to use their resources
in a smarter way. They will
objectively evaluate and assess an
organisation’s plastic footprint
and highlight solutions for an

organisation to become more
effi cient, more sustainable and
lower operational costs. In the case
of one restaurant operator, that
5% saving counted for a lot when
multiplied across the 150,000
single-use plastic items they were
using each month – not to mention
the benefi t to the environment.
Hydroplast is just one of the
Purecog technological innovations
that saw parent company Pure
CE, the private equity circular
economy specialists, named as one
of 50 most innovative companies
to watch in 2019 by respected
Silicon Valley publication The
Silicon Review. The technology
plays its part in Purecog ’s
promise to positively impact an
organisation’s triple bottom-line:
People, planet and profit.

Hydroplast has come to the market
just in time. Across the world,
single-use plastics are being phased
out. Dubai International Airport
and Al Maktoum International
Airport have both promised to ban
everything from plastic cutlery to

shopping bags in consumer spaces
from January 2020.
Even whole countries are
following suit. New Zealand has
already banned single-use plastic
bags, while Canada has said it
will ban all single-use plastics by

  1. Numerous campaigns are
    taking place across the hospitality
    industry, whether in the removal
    of plastic straws, or delivery
    companies no longer providing
    cutlery, but the sector still lags
    behind in using a number of other
    single-use plastic items such as
    trash bags, piping bags, cling fi lm,
    gloves and aprons.
    Non-profi t UAE marine
    conservation AZRAQ has also
    championed the cause Hydroplast
    seeks to address. With 86% of
    turtle species and 44% of marine
    mammals estimated to have fed
    on plastic, huge change is needed
    to stem a global catastrophe. The
    World Economic Forum estimates
    that by 2050 there will be more
    plastic in the ocean than fi sh.
    For the planet and for your
    business, the benefi ts of Hydroplast
    speak for themselves.

Turtles and other marine life can confuse
plastic bags for jellyfish.
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