Selfbuilder & Homemaker – July – August 2019

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the iconic Collyweston slate, prevalent
across the East Midlands.

As important as picking the right brick
for a project, selecting the mortar that
binds it all together is just as crucial.
While many self-builders favour ready-
bagged, pre-mixed mortar, remember
that the colouring of mortar can
completely transform the look of a

building, so homeowners should ensure
they use one which matches the overall
aesthetics they are hoping to achieve
with the project.

Whether it’s sustainability concerns or
wanting to maximise the authentic feel
of their build, some self-builders opt for
reclaimed or salvaged bricks. These are
typically handmade and older, sourced

everywhere from discontinued mills to
former stately homes, some of which
have obsolete design quirks which make
them totally unique in modern builds.
Reclaimed products can be found in a
huge variety of colours, sizes and textures,
so when selecting salvaged material, it’s
important to ensure they are in keeping
with the period and location of their
home. What’s more, the quality of
reclaimed materials can vary hugely, so
it’s crucial to ensure that bricks come from
a reclamation yard with a reputation for
sourcing good quality materials.

Self-build projects can be a cost-
effective, highly rewarding way for
homeowners to improve their properties.
While it may seem that there is a myriad
of brick considerations, all that’s
required is some careful research into
the right material for a project.
Homeowners looking to embark on such
a project should speak to planning
authorities to ensure that the project is in
line with local regulations, and that key
considerations such as regional
vernacular are contemplated, before
settling on a brick product.

Simon Taylor is director of sales – Builders
Merchant at Ibstock


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