Selfbuilder & Homemaker – July – August 2019

(lu) #1

2019 marks an exciting year for Sahtas. With a
rapidly growing market share in the handmade
plain clay roof tile sector and a growing
network of stockists across the UK, the
company has invested heavily in a programme
of growth which will see an expansion of its
operations at its Northampton base to support
its brand new, state-of-the-art factory.

Sahtas was established in 1979 and remains
an independent, family owned and managed
company in the year of its 40th anniversary. Its
production processes are unique in the heavy

clay and terracotta industry with its raw,
excavated clay undergoing ‘clay washing’
before being introduced into its multiple
production lines. Clay washing mixes the raw
clay with water into a slurry before being
sieved to remove coarse particles then forced
at high pressure into ‘,lter cake’, a malleable
soft clay, prior to production. This process
removes the coarse particles and deleterious
soluble salts present in the clay leaving a pure,
,ne-grained raw material which, after drying
and firing, produces an extremely durable
,nished product.

Call Sahtas on 01604 434909or

email [email protected]

Visit for more information



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