Animal Tales – October 2019

(Ron) #1
Bolt plays a dog with superpowers
on his T.V. show, but no one told him
that! He thinks his powers are real, so
when his co-star goes missing, he’s^
determined to use his “skills” to find her.

When Bella chases after a squirrel and
finds herself far from home, she does
everything she can to get back to her best
friend/owner Lucas! Their relationship is
#friendshipgoals to the max.


Pongo and Perdita just welcomed a liter of
101 puppies! But they aren’t together for
long before Cruella de Vil and her minions
dog-nap them, so the dalmatian parents get
some animal friends to help save their pups.

Based on the heartfelt book by John Grogan, a
couple adopts a not-so-obedient pup and has
to learn to love him, flaws and all. You’ll crack up
at all the pup’s antics, but this flick’s emotional,
too. (You’ll want to have some tissues on hand.)

You’ve heard of Frankenstein, but now it’s time^
to meet Frankenweenie! While he may look a
little scary at first, this movie teaches you not^
to judge people (or dogs!) by their appearance.^
It’s what’s on the inside that really matters.

You’ll fall in love with this almost
200-pound St. Bernard as you watch^
him grow up, cause chaos and even^
save the day! It’s a flick you’ll want to^
watch over and over again.


When the Seavers go on vacation, they leave
their pets Chance, Shadow and Sassy at a
friend’s house. Because of a misunderstanding,
the animals become convinced they’ve been
abandoned, so they set out to find their family.


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