steP tHree
Seed beads
using the six outer cords you
have from the square knot
sinnet, select two cords on the
left and two on the right to
thread your seed beads.
using your arttable
Japanese toho leaf Green
seed beads, thread one
colour of seed beads onto
one cord for 2.5 x the
distance of your half knot
sinnet (24-32cm long). repeat
with another colour on a
different cord three more
times to create four beaded
cords – two on the right and
two on the left; each with
different leaf colour beads per
cord. tie a sewing overhand
knot at the end of the beads on each cord so
they don’t slide back down the cord as you
knot later.
Design note: Dip the ends of the cord into
nail polish to create a point.
steP four
Seeded half knot sinnet
these four beaded cords and the two plain
cords will become the tying cords of another
square knot sinnet. the filler cords will be the
spiral sinnet you created in step 2. However
to create a woven effect, you will only tie with
two cords from each side at any given time
and be alternating the third cord in and out
per half knot as follows:
(a) select one beaded cord and the plain
cord from each side.
(b) tie a half square knot, don’t pull it too
tightly up the filler. the best result is a firm
knot approximately .25cm along from the
(c) alternate the beaded cord you just tied out
and bring the other beaded cord in, on each
side, with the plain cord and tie another half
square knot .5 cm along again.
(d) repeat this process along the entire length
of the spiral filler cord each
time rotating the beaded
cords while the plain cords
remain consistently in the
(e) You may need to add more
seed beads; if you can’t
untie the tiny overhand
knots from step 3 simply
add the beads on anyway,
you hardly see the knots.
steP fiVe
Square knot sinnet
When you have reached the
end of the spiral sinnet bring
all the cords together again
and remove any surplus
seed beads. repeat step 1
to recreate the square knot
sinnet to match the first side of your necklace.
steP siX
Attaching the findings
try your necklace on for size. Determine where
the leather-ends need to be positioned (it is
easiest to have the leather-ends over a knotted
section rather than trying to capture loose
cords). With flat nose pliers bend one side of
the leather-end firmly over the sinnet pressing
flat, then bend the other side over the first.
repeat with the other leather-end. With
sharp scissors trim any excess cord off. You
can use a lighter to singe any difficult to trim
cord ends – this will also help prevent the
cord from pulling out of the leather end. then
add the parrot clasp.
steP seVen
Making Wattle Elements
thread a needle with approximately one
metre of silamide thread. thread on six
10 creative Beading