Creative Beading – October 2019

(Elle) #1

54 Creative Beading

steP tHree
Feed a large metal
bead through the
unused wire tail and
repeat step 2, leaving
about 1.5cm gap
between the large
bead and the twists;
use this to make a
longer wired stem.

steP FoUr
repeat step 2 and 3, alternatingthewires,
bead types and gap sizes toachievethedesired
look. Use your fingers to arrangethebeaded
loops in the cluster as desired.Anywiretailleft,
wrap it around any of the beadedloops’stems
towards the back of the work,flushcutthe
excess and hide the wire tipsbybendingthose
using the chain nose pliers.
When finished, set the pieceaside.thiswill
be Cluster number 2.

Designer’s note
if you are short of wire oryouwishto make
the clusters chunkier, addwirethisway:Make
the last beaded loop and,byworkingat the
back of the cluster, flush cuttheexcesstail
and hide it at the back oftheworkusingthe
chain nose pliers. Cut approximately60cmof
wire; bend the wire softly inhalvesto makea
‘U’ shape and ensure youendupwitheven
lengths of wire. thread thetwotailsof wire
from the front of the clustertowardstheback
at about the middle of theclusterandtwist
those together twice. Placethewiresat the
desired position and startmakingthebeaded
loops as directed on previoussteps.

stAge 3
steP one
At this point we are
going to join the
two clusters together
make the necklace
centrepiece and
also the final bits to
complete the project.
take the longer

wire tail in Cluster number 1 and thread it
through the large resin bead on Cluster 2 as
shown in the picture.

steP tWo
Pull the resin bead on Cluster number 2
closer to Cluster number 1’s beads. Using
your fingers, bend the wire upwards placing
it close to the bead and behind it but not too
tight. Leave about .5cm to 1cm gap in the
wire between the beads in Cluster number
1 and the resin bead on Cluster number 2,
then start twisting the wire several times until
a wired stem is formed.
At this point you should have two wire tails
above Cluster number 1.

steP tHree
Use the leftover wire tails to make beaded
loops in order to ornate the centre in Cluster
number 1 and also hide the wire stems.
Make as many beaded loops as desired
following the steps on stage 2.

steP FoUr
Cut approximately 7cm of wire. Make a small
loop at one end and thread it through one of
the top large resin beads on Cluster number

  1. then make a plain loop on top of the
    large resin bead as explained in the basics
    section of the magazine. repeat to the closest
    large resin bead next.

steP FiVe
Cut approximately 7cm of silver wire. Form a
plain loop with the round nose pliers, thread
the wire through an amber bean resin bead,
form a plain loop. repeat process for a
second bead.

steP siX
Hook each amber bean resin beads to each
of the large resin bead plain loops as shown.


Diagram 4

Diagram 5

Diagram 6
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