Creative Beading – October 2019

(Elle) #1
Creative Beading 55

steP seVen
Cut 4 x 30cm lengths of brown cotton cord.
Using two lengths together, thread them through
the amber bean resin bead’s loop as shown.
repeat process for the
second link.

steP eigHt
slip a small barrel metal
bead over the four cord
ends at each side of the
necklace, take it right
down to the plain wire
loops as shown.

steP nine
Adjust the cords length as desired. take a base
metal fold over end and place it at the cord
tips. Using the chain nose pliers press gently
one of the tabs folding it over and then do the

same to the second tab
as shown. repeat step to
the other necklet end.

steP ten
Attach a jump ring to
one end cap as explained inthebasicssection
of the magazine, and a hook clasp to the
other end cap.

Kits available
Telephone 07 3822 3485
Email [email protected]

Diagram 8

Diagram 7
Diagram 9
Free download pdf