Creative Beading – October 2019

(Elle) #1
All square knots have tying cords and filler
cords. Generally you use one cord from each
side as the tying cords and the reminder in
the centre as filler cords. In the HSqK, you
will always commence your knot using the
cord on the far left. A spiral knot sinnet is a
continuous series of the half square knots
which twists into a spiral as you progress.

The full square knot is a combination of two
half square knots – the first tied using the first
cord from the left, the second knot is tied
starting from the other side using the cord
from the far right. By making two half knots
starting from opposite sides you create a
single square knot. Refer to diagram below to
practice the half and full square knot sinnets.
A square knot sinnet is a continuous series
of full square knots which remains flat as you

Cut each colour of macramé cord into 4 x
1.5m lengths to create 12 cords in total. Tie the
12 cords at one end using a standard sewing
overhand knot and place under the clipboard.

Square knot sinnet
Select two cords of differing
colours from the left side and
two cords of differing colours
from the right side of the
bundle. These will be the tying
cords to create a square knot
sinnet, which is a repeating
strand of full square knots.
You will use the two cords
from each side as a single
cord to tie the first full square
knot around the remaining
eight filler cords. Continue
tying more full square knots to
create a sinnet approximately
12-16cm long depending on
your preferred overall length
and neck size.

Half knot sinnet
Using only the eight central filler cords
select two cords of differing colours – one
from the left side and one from the right
side to join the original four tying cords.
This will leave a remaining six cords in the
middle. Of these six middle cords select
another two cords which will become the
tying cords to create a half square knot
sinnet. Tie a half square knot around
the four filler cords; continue tying more
half square knots to create a spiral sinnet
approximately 12-16cm long.

These delicate Wattle elements were designed by

Leeza Silverman for the ‘Essence of Australia’ exhibition,

Beaded Links Commonwealth Games Cultural Festival.
The ArTTable re-created the Wattle into a unique Macramé

Necklace, which provides a full-bodied choker to hold the

wattle pollen as a wreath.



8 Creative Beading

6m each x 3 colours of
mixed greens macramé
nylon thread

Silamide thread

Macramé jewellery findings

Japanese Toho 11/0 seed
beads Leaf Green blend

Japanese Toho 11/0 seed
beads Wattle Yellow blend

Beading needle


Tape measure


Bent nose pliers

Length of finished design:
Necklace Choker

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