Women’s Health UK – September 2019

(Elliott) #1

(^) Carpal what now? ‘It’s a condition
in which one of the nerves that runs
through the wrist to the hand has its
space compromised – as a result, the
nerves get squashed,’ explains Adel
Tavakkolizadeh, consultant orthopaedic
surgeon at King ’s College Hospital.
Symptoms include difficulty gripping
things, and pins and needles or pain in
your arm, hands or fingers. For a large
chunk of sufferers, it occurs as a result
of repetitive strain – historically, this
meant it affected typists, carpenters and
the like. Other causes include diabetes,
thyroid problems and pregnancy. As
for scrolling through every item in the
latest Asos sale? ‘That won’t give you
CTS,’ says Tavakkolizadeh. ‘More likely
are posture-based problems as a result
of looking downwards. I tend to see
repetitive strain injuries around the
elbow caused by phone use; around the
wrist, it’s much more likely to result in
an inflamed tendon sheath, resulting
in pain when bending your thumb and
fingers.’ So, yes, that dress may be 40%
off, but, come on, phone down, now.
Is texting giving
me carpal tunnel
I think vitamins are blocking me
up – is this a thing?
If you like big
supps and you
cannot lie, you
might be feeling a
bit baby got back(ed
up). So what gives?
‘There are certain
minerals that can
raise your chances
of abdominal
upset, including
bloating, cramps
and constipation,’
explains dietitian
Alana MacDonald.
The main culprits?
Calcium and iron
supplements. ‘Iron
is quite harsh on
your digestive
system, so this can
cause constipation,’
Brian from reception
been at your stash
again? How very dairy.
First world wellness
problems, sure. But
reaching into the
fridge on a Tuesday
afternoon to find the
dregs of your Monday
morning carton is
evidence of a
workplace crime on
a par with eating
eggs in an open-plan
office. Especially
when you’ve coughed
up £1.80 for a litre
of cashews squished
to exactly the right
consistency for a
creamy coffee. If you
suspect that Brian has
a taste for Oatly in his
Americano, may we
suggest you conduct
a loud conversation
near his desk during
which you proceed
to list the local
establishments that
sell his new favourite
bev. If, on the other
hand, you suspect
he’s just run out of
semi-skimmed, then a
more direct approach
is required. In lieu of
a pass-agg Post-it
(don’t be that person),
grab a marker, write
the boss’s name
on the carton and
watch the hierarchy
work its magic.
adds MacDonald.
‘And calcium can
cause the muscles
on the wall of your
colon to contract,
making it harder to
pass a stool.’ Don’t
take these? Check
the label on your
multivit, as it might
be packing iron
(if so, try changing
to one without).
Otherwise, it might
be that you’re
relying on your
daily pills too
heavily. ‘Some
people believe that
taking supplements
means they don’t
need to eat as much
fruit and veg, as
they’re getting their
through the supp.
This is a risk to
bowel health and
could result in
constipation, as
you’ll be getting
less fibre,’ adds
MacDonald. Aim
for 30g of fibre
a day and treat
supps as a, well,
supplement to your
diet, not a substitute
for your five a day.
Women’s Health SEPTEMBER 2019 | 15

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