RealClassic – August 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

86 I AUGUST 2019 More old bikes online:


thenexplored further with the tip of small
screwdriver.This produced lumps of bodyfiller
fallingout,accompaniedbyadribble of petrol.
Ourham-fisted bodger had stoopedtojust
about anythingtogetridofthisbiketosome
unsuspecting mug.Whatyou maysee in the
photos hereabouts isabunch of poprivets
thatthe bodger appliedtothe fuel tank’s dent.
Whythiswasdone will go down as one of the
mysteries of mankind.Draining thetankand
shaking it indicatedthatthe‘tails’ofthe pop
rivets werestillrattling about inside.
AfterIsandblasted the tank,itwentto
myhighly skilled local tin-basheratDave’s
inRockford.Asis usual,the tank came back
from Dave’s looking better than new.My
little Breganzejewelwasnowlooking and
performing as it should.Whatapleasant
motorcycle this is: it goeswell,handleswell,
is verylightandvibration-free.Butwait!The
champion bodgerwasnot done with the
poor thingyet...

TheAlpinowasapparently sorted,andmy
good friendsGalen andMarycametosee it.
ForMaryitwas loveatfirstsight, and the little
Laverdachanged handsonthespot.Itwasn’t
message thatMarywas having problems
with the gearchange.Mysuggestiontowear
bigger boots effectednocure. Nextcame‘a

big bang’fromthetwin’s primarydriveand
gear changingwasverydifficult.Timetoget
theAlpinoback on the bench.
Aswe removedthe primarydrivecover,a
bunch of metallic bitsfell withatinkle into
the oil drain tin.Therear of the clutch had
beenattackedbythe gear selectorshaft
thathad driftedout ofthe crankcases until it
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