New York Post - 19.08.2019

(lily) #1
New York Post, Monday, August 19, 2019




HEN Kim Roberts (name changed for
professional reasons) began working
for a hospitality group in Tribeca eight
years ago, she realized she would need
to think up a way to increase her in-
come. Her salary growth trajectory, per industry
standards, was limited in its upward trend, and
asking for a raise was not an option.
So, having shown her value to the organization
during her first few months, Roberts negotiated
the health-insurance costs with her boss. Her
employer’s policy initially paid half of her total
premium, so she struck a deal to increase their
portion of the costs. This resulted in an increase
of $150 in each paycheck.
“I said, ‘I understand this is my total gross sal-
ary. My rent is this amount, and I need to bring
in more money,’ ” says Roberts.
After a few years, she spoke to her boss again
with the mindset: “I’m a rock star. What can we
do to raise my pay?”
Roberts, who was pregnant at the time, told
her boss: “ ‘I’m going to be gone for three
months. How should I handle it?’ ”
He told her to enjoy her maternity leave with
her newborn — and kept her on full-time payroll
for three months. “That was one-fourth of my
annual salary!” she says. “I was thrilled.”
Despite a labor shortage and low unemploy-
ment rate of 3.7 percent as of June, wage in-
creases aren’t in sync with the sizzling demand
for qualified workers. According to the World
at Work 2019-2020 Salary Budget Survey re-
leased in July, budgets are projected to rise by
an average of only 3.3 percent in 2020. So, to in-
crease the Benjamins without landing an exter-
nal job offer, you’ll need to get your New York
hustle on.
Elisee Joseph, part-time faculty member at Co-
lumbia University and Queens College, says that
“many adjunct professors do not get paid much,”
often less than $25,000 a year in New York City.
“The pay is non-negotiable at Columbia,” he
says. “I receive whatever they pay in the pay

band per course.”
So, last December, along with his mother, he
launched Meditech Examining Services, a para-
medical company, and receives compensation
as a medical technician and as a consultant con-
ducting research projects. While earning extra
cash, he simultaneously gains full autonomy
over his work schedule to continue his teaching
“Although it is important to satisfy your finan-
cial needs, it is equally important to optimize
your time,” says Joseph.
Beverly Friedmann of Park Slope landed a pay-
ing side gig courtesy of leads from an unex-
pected source: her boss. The content manager
and copywriter for product review site Review-
ingThis expressed interest in earning extra
money freelancing for the site. Although that
didn’t pan out, her boss introduced her to col-
leagues and potential clients from other sites.
“I communicated interest,” she says. “He sensed
I needed a higher salary and found other oppor-
tunities and contacts.”
She’s now working at both ReviewingThis and, a site reviewing
meal kits, boosting her pay by 40 percent.
That bump is what experts say can result from
simply initiating a discussion. Jason Guggisberg,
vice president at Adecco USA, provider of re-
cruitment and staffing services in Hell’s Kitchen,
says that “even though it’s the most uncomfort-
able thing to do, to sit across from a superior and
have a conversation around compensation, it’s
He suggests speaking during a mid-year or
year-end review or after a life change.
“Schedule time outside the office to have a cof-
fee on an even playing ground,” he says. He also
advises avoiding a busy season when things are
hectic and stressful. Instead, schedule a meeting
on the calendar (or video call if long distance)
and prepare ahead of time.
Bring evidence to show your worth such as
accolades from clients and accomplishments.
Also, decide what you want.
“Don’t just ask for something and not need or

want it,” says Guggisberg. “Make sure you really
want it, because it might not be an easy negotia-
tion. Go after something that might be of value.”
Before the meeting, practice with friends or
family. Write things down, bullet-point it and
talk about why you deserve more money. Begin
the conversation by saying you like working for
the company and you want to see yourself there
long term.
Guggisberg suggests lines such as: Here’s fact-
based evidence of things I’ve been doing that
align with corporate goals. I’d like to see if I can
get x. “This can mean working from home an
additional day a week to save on child care,” he
says. “Or ask your company to pay child care
directly, so it’s tax-free, or get free lunch daily.
Be creative, because not everyone can offer un-
limited paid time off or more money from a sal-
ary perspective.”
Considering companies want to see a return
on their investment, continuing education is an-
other perk you might ask for.
Macia Batista, manager of outcomes partner-
ships and career coaching at General Assembly
in the Flatiron district, says her firm has a for-
mula to help students advocate for tuition reim-
“Develop a specific narrative around what
you’re doing now and what the employer can
expect once their course is completed,” she says.
“The next step is determining a clear way to
showcase a return on investment.”
Demonstrating value is key, but if the em-
ployer still rejects your ask, inquire further.
“Don’t give up on the first no,” says Guggis-
berg. “Ask: ‘Do you think, in the future, we might
be able to get to this if I’m able to do x?’ Let the
employer give it back to you. The last thing your
employer wants you to do is leave.”
Once they commit, loyalty can move moun-
“I’m a lifer,” says Roberts. “I’m very lucky to
be in a job that I love, but if you don’t ask, you
don’t get. The worst they can do is say no. No-
body else is going to advocate for you. You’ve
got to be your No. 1 supporter.”

I work in a large office with the
dreaded open-seating plan. Several
co-workers regularly eat lunch at their
desks and socialize as though they’re
at a restaurant. The noise levels, per-
sonal conversations and overall chat-
ter is distracting to those of us who are
continuing to do our work. Would it be
appropriate to ask them to consider
dining together elsewhere? Isn’t the
whole point of eating lunch at your
desk to be productive and to get more
work done?
I admire your work ethic. Eating
lunch at your desk to get more work
done may be necessary from time to
time, but as a regular practice, it will
be better, healthier and more produc-
tive in the long run for everyone to
take a little break midday. And, maybe,
consider joining in with your col-
leagues once in a while. It makes it
easier for you to influence them to
take it elsewhere when you can’t join
in. Otherwise, you run the risk of being
“that person” — the one who never so-
cializes and others consider a bit of a
curmudgeon. But if that crowd just
isn’t your scene, you can politely and
professionally ask if they can take
their conversation elsewhere, explain-
ing that you have a lot of work to do,
and it is difficult to concentrate.

I work side-by-side with my buddy
as interns at the same company. I was
just notified that I was invited back
next year, and he wasn’t. We had
made plans to travel to the same city
again next summer. He thinks I should
turn it down or put in a good word for
him to try to get them to reconsider.
What do you think?
I think your buddy isn’t being a good
buddy if he’s expecting you to turn
down an internship just because he
didn’t get invited back. What kind of
friend expects that? You accept or re-
ject the offer based on what’s in your
best interest, not his. If you have an
opportunity to put in a good word,
there’s no harm in that, but I doubt it’s
going to do anything. If it’s more im-
portant for you guys to be the bros ver-
sion of Thelma and Louise, well then,
there’s your answer, but you’re not be-
ing a bad friend if you want the job and
take it.




Get creative when finding Get creative when finding

ways to net more money

Gregory Giangrande is a
chief human resources and
communications officer in the
media industry. E-mail your career
questions to [email protected].
Follow Greg on Twitter:
@greggiangrande. His Go to Greg
podcast series is available on iTunes.

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