The Independent - 19.08.2019

(Joyce) #1

Why are America’s farmers still

standing by Trump?

They are suffering due to the trade war with China but are not ready to

abandon their president, Clark Mindock finds

Iowa’s livestock industry is struggling in part because of tariffs (Reuters)

Bill Tenneger has been farming for 50 years, raising pigs on his northwest Iowa farm before shipping them
off to packers in the state, and then to the rest of the world.

So it is with a bit of historical perspective that Tenneger says his industry is struggling as a result of the
trade war Donald Trump has been waging for nearly a year and a half – even if many among Iowa’s
agriculture and livestock industry aren’t ready to give up on a president who has largely thrown the script
out the window, and made a trade war with China a key focus of his tenure.

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